To ensure universalization of Primary, Elementary, Secondary and Higher Secondary Education and to ensure quality education for Human Resource Development.
Teachers appointed from 01.01.2006 onwards should possess at least 50% marks in H.S. Examination or equivalent and 2 years Diploma in Teacher Training Course (D. El. Ed.); or should be Graduate from recognised University.
At first a general lottery from among all applications irrespective of any category to find out the selected general candidates. Then, a second set lottery for left over candidates in each category i.e. SC, ST and OBC candidates.
West Bengal Board of Secondary Education has notified about the age for admission in School to appropriate Class as per definition in West Bengal Right of Children to Free & Compulsory Education Rules, 2012.
Applications for Hindi Scholarships are invited from the students of West Bengal, who passed in 2012 the Madhyamik, the Higher Secondary or the Degree Examination.
Rules for the grant of leave to the teaching and the non-teaching staff of recognised non-government Secondary Schools other than Sponsored Schools or any other Schools or Class of School as the State Government may specify.
These rules may be called the West Bengal School Service Commission (Selection of Persons for Appointment to the Post of Non-Teaching Staff) Rules, 2009.
Blind and orthopaedically hadicapped teachers and non-teaching staff of Govt. aided secondary schools will get conveyance allowance @ 5% of basic pay subject to a maximum of Rs. 200/- p.m.
The concerned DI of schools or his representatives will have to verify the Treasury Challan as mentioned under SL. 9 of the TR Form -7 in case any school authority approaches them for such verification in the TR challan.
Provisional recognition for up-gradation of 86 High Schools to Higher Secondary Level during the academic session of 2012 Published by the Deptt. of School Education.
Chairmen of the District Primary School Councils have informed this Department severally that the irregularities found in the recruitment process are irreparable at this point of time.