Engagement of Part Time Teacher (PTT) in Government College

Government of West Bengal
Department of Higher Education
(Appointment Branch)
Bikash Bhavan, Salt lake, Kolkata-700091

Memo No. 926-Edn(A) Dated, Kolkata, the 21st September, 2010


In supersession of all the previous Government Orders relating to part-time teachers (PTT) (except superannuated teachers) of the Government colleges (except Technical Colleges) undersigned is directed by the order of the Governor to say that following provisions will be applicable in respect of the part-time teachers w.e.f. 01/10/2010.

General Conditions for engagement of PTTs (excluding the superannuated teachers of colleges & Univs serving as PTTs):

1. Existing PTTs duly engaged as per prescribed norms will continue to remain engaged till they attain 60 years of age.

2. All PTTs (including existing ones) shall be engaged only in one assignment.

3. Those PTTs who have been refused renewal and whose service have been discontinued by the college authority on or after 1/1/2008 shall be engaged afresh following issuance of this order subject to the following conditions:

a. should be of less than 60 years of age.

b. should be willing on the basis of his/her application.

c. declaration from the PTTs showing his/her engagement only in one assignment.

d. For those PTTs have been refused renewal and whose service have been discontinued by the college authority on or between 1/1/2008 to the date of issuance of this order & subsequently been engaged afresh, his/her length of past assignment in the concerned college will be counted only for the determination of his/her rate of monthly remuneration [i.e. whether he/she is entitled to get Rs. 9450/- (for < 4 years)/ Rs. 10800/- (>= 4 years but < 10 years)/ Rs. 13500/-(>= 10 years)] but he/she will not be entitled to get any financial benefit for the said gap-in period (i.e. the period of his/her non-engagement in the college between his/her date of retrenchment and the date of subsequent engagement).

4. Notional vacancies are to be created to accommodate serving PTTs and these posts would be treated as personal & supernumerary ones. The number of such notional vacancies are to be decided on the basis of requisition from the colleges [mentioning the names of persons engaged & other details – duly authenticated by the college authority as mentioned below].

List of necessary documents to be submitted (attested by The Principal/ Officer-in-Charge) in case of Govt. College:

I. For those PTTs who were engaged before 01/04/09

Total length of service of the PTTs mentioning the mandatory break(s) as is/ are required between two subsequent engagement is to be certified by the Principal/Officer-in-charge of the college concerned at the material point of time.


The PTTs of the Govt. colleges who have/are rendered/ rendering service in different academic assignments of the University (e.g. as examinations/ paper setter/ moderator etc), the certificate(s) of the respective Universities indicating the date(s) of such appointment(s) may also be taken into account for determining the length of service.

II. For those PTTs who are engaged on or after 01/04/09

The college authority has to submit the following documents for those PTTs who are engaged after 01/04/2009.

  • Attested photocopy of the advertisement
  • Attested photocopy of the final merit list (Subject wise)
  • Attested photocopy of the PG level final mark-sheet showing atleast minimum of 55% marks in aggregate.

III. The department-wise numbers of existing approved posts, number of vacancies therein, name of the persons engaged as part-time teachers are to be submitted and this statement of material is to be duly attested by the college authority.

IV. Declaration from the PTTs showing his/her engagement only in one assignment is also to be submitted and attested by the college authority.

5. No part-time teachers shall be engaged without prior written permission from the State Govt. as per order No. 689-Edn(CS) dated 26.08.2010.

Method of Engagement:

For new selection the procedures required to be maintained are as follows:

(i) The Principal/Officer-in-charge will advertise, on receiving prior written permission from the State Govt, the vacancy position(s) in at least two daily leading newspapers (one in English and other in Bengali/ other languages like Nepali, Urdu etc.) specifying the required qualification and remunerations as per existing G.O.

(ii) The applications received in response to the advertisement will be scrutinized by the college authority and the eligible candidate(s) will be called for interview before the selection committee formed by the Principal/Officer-in-charge of the college.

(iii) The selection committee will consist of the following members:

a. The Principal/Officer-in-charge of the college will be the chairman.

b. One senior teacher in the subject selected by the Principal/Officer-in-charge of the college.

c. An expert not below the rank of Reader/ Associated Professor in the subject of any other college be entrusted with this work.

(iv) The letter of engagement of PTTs would only be issued by the College authority in the prescribed format on receiving prior written permission from the State Govt.

6. Part-Time Teachers may be engaged subject to the conditions that against each approved full time teacher post maximum of three PTTs may be engaged with approval of the State Government. However, in exceptional cases, variations may be accommodated as per prescribed norms.

7. Consequent upon exorbitant price hike of different commodities the question of enhancement of remuneration of part-time teachers attached to different colleges of the State has been taken into consideration. For this purpose the remuneration of the part-time teachers may be enhanced by 35% as shown below w.e.f. 01/10/2010:

Category of Part-time teachersPresent remuneration per monthRevised remuneration per month
< 4 yearsRs. 7000/-Rs. 9450/-
>= 4 years but < 10 yearsRs. 8000/-Rs. 10800/-
>= 10 yearsRs. 10000/-Rs. 13500/-

No other allowances will be admissible to the PTTs except the enhancement @ 5% of the remuneration, at an interval of three (3) years, after the enhancement done as on 01/10/2010.

The college authority may allot 10 (Ten) classes/ periods per week to each PTTs.

8. The entire quantum of emoluments (as mentioned above) will be paid by the state Govt. duly as being approved by the Govt. in favour of each part-time teacher. Claims to be submitted as per the format being prescribed.

9. Part-time teachers of government colleges are entitled to avail of 14 days casual leave in a calendar year, 1/2 average remuneration leave on production of medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner and maternity leave as admissible under Government rules.

10. The above noted benefits will not be extended for those appointed in the self financed courses in the college. Also, those who are engaged in full time assignment elsewhere will not be considered for the above mentioned benefit.

11. Each PTT would be entitled to get a Gratuity of Rupee one Lakh only, once in life time, when he becomes 60 as PTT, provided that period of engagement is not less than 10 years.

Service Related Matters:

12. During the period of engagement the service of such PTTs may be terminated because of involvement in criminal case/ misconduct/ delinquency/ incapacitation and other culpable offence -as may be framed from time to time by the competent authority.

This order issues with the concurrence of the Finance Department, vide their U.O. No. 3373 (Gr. P Service) Dated 20/09/2010.

Yours faithfully

Sd/- M. Chakravarty
Jt. Secretary
Appointment Branch
Department of Higher Education
Government of West Bengal

No. 926-Edn dated 21.09.2010

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