Finance, Casual Worker , Salary đī¸ 11427
With effect from the 1st April, 2024 the consolidated monthly remuneration of the above categories of workers will be revised as follows:
No. 1091-F(P2) Dated, Howrah the 1st March, 2024
The question of enhancement of remuneration of the Casual/ Contractual Workers engaged in various Government Establishments in terms of Memo. No. 9008-F(P) dated 16.09.2011 has been under active consideration of the Government for some time past.
2. After careful consideration of the matter, the undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to say that the Governor has been pleased to decide as follows:
i. With effect from the 1st April, 2024 the consolidated monthly remuneration of the above categories of workers will be revised as follows:
Period of Engagement | Remuneration | Annual Enhancement |
On initial engagement | Rs. 15000/- | Rs. 500/- |
On completion of 5 years from initial engagement | Rs. 19000/- | Rs. 600/- |
On completion of 10 years from initial engagement | Rs. 24000/- | Rs. 700/- |
On completion of 15 years from initial engagement | Rs. 30000/- | Rs. 900/- |
On completion of 20 years from initial engagement | Rs. 37000/- | Rs. 1100/- |
Period of Engagement | Remuneration | Annual Enhancement |
On initial engagement | Rs. 17000/- | Rs. 600/- |
On completion of 5 years from initial engagement | Rs. 21000/- | Rs. 700/- |
On completion of 10 years from initial engagement | Rs. 26000/- | Rs. 800/- |
On completion of 15 years from initial engagement | Rs. 32000/- | Rs. 1000/- |
On completion of 20 years from initial engagement | Rs. 39000/- | Rs. 1200/- |
ii. Remuneration of above categories of contractual workers may be fixed in the above revised remuneration structure based on the number of completed years since initial engagement without any break in the present assignment.
iii. Annual enhancement of remuneration of such contractual workers may be allowed on the 1st July every year provided at least 6 months of satisfactory service from the date of engagement or change of slab on account of completing 5/10/15/20 years of engagement, as the case may be, has been rendered.
iv. Annual enhancement on 01.07.2024 shall be allowed after such revision to all such contractual workers excepting those who have been engaged after 01.01.2024 or has completed 5/10/15/20 years of engagement after 01.01.2024.
3. All other existing conditions of engagement shall remain unchanged.
Sd/- Dr. Manoj Pant
Additional Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal