Enrolment in Cashless Medical Scheme – Last Date Extended
Last date of enrolment under West Bengal Health for All Employees and Pensioners Cashless Medical Treatment Scheme, 2014 is hereby extended from 31st March to 30th September, 2015.
Last date of enrolment under West Bengal Health for All Employees and Pensioners Cashless Medical Treatment Scheme, 2014 is hereby extended from 31st March to 30th September, 2015.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Medical Cell
No. 194-F (MED)W.B/FA/MED/O/2M/116/15 Dated: 16.03.2015
The Government of West Bengal introduced West Bengal Health for All Employees and Pensioners Cashless Medical Treatment Scheme, 2014 (hereinafter called ‘the said scheme’) vide notification No 4476-F(MED) dated 28.8.2014 for the benefit of the State Government Employees, State Government Pensioners, All India Service (AIS) officers, AIS Pensioners including their eligible dependent member of the family. The last date of enrolment under the said scheme was fixed as on 31.03.2015 as per Notification No. 4656-F(Med) dated 05.09.2014. However, a large number of Government employee and pensioners are yet to enrol themselves and it is unlikely that a substantial number of the employees as well as retired employees will be able to enrol themselves within 31st March 2015. There are some difficulties being faced by a section of Government employee/ retired employee to enrol themselves in existing procedure such as newly appointed Government employees awaiting allotment of GPF no., the State Govt employee who are on deputation to different bodies and retired Government employee waiting for PPO and some issues relating to online enrolment procedure which need to be addressed for improvement in enrolment.
Therefore, the Governor is pleased to order the followings:
1. The last date of enrolment under the said scheme is hereby extended from 31st March, 2015 to 30th September, 2015. Accordingly Validity of existing card and reimbursement facility as per WBHS-2008 are extended up to 30th September 2015.
2. Government Employee who is newly appointed and GPF no is yet to be allotted in his/her favour may also apply for registration online in the said scheme. Similarly recently retired Government employees who are yet to receive PPO may also apply for registration online in the said scheme. They will get a system generated temporary no. in lieu of GPF/ PPO no. when they will choose NO option regarding GPF/ PPO during first time online application. Thereafter, they will enter in the system using YES option with their temporary system generated GPF/ PPO no as obtained. The concerned Government Employee/ Pensioners including family pensioners having no GPF/ PPO no. would enrol themselves including their eligible dependent member of the family following detailed guidelines given in the website. Such enrolment certificate/card issued will be valid till date of receipt of GPF/ PPO no from appropriate authority. On getting GPF/PPO no the concerned DDO would generate new enrolment certificate with GPF/PPO no by converting the data earlier entered for the temporary enrolment certificate.
3. State Government Employees who are on Deputation in different bodies like Company /Corporations/ Board/ Autonomous body etc. and having no DDO code of that office similar to the government office may enrol under the said scheme using the DDO code of the concerned parent/ Cadre Controlling department of the Government Employee. The DDO of the parent/ Cadre Controlling Department will issue enrolment certificate and the entire claim bill in respect of medical treatment of employee/ pensioners and their beneficiary will be settled from his end.
4. In case of enrolment of DDO himself/ herself or his/ her beneficiary application for enrolment to be approved by the next higher authority of the DDO and enrolment certificate(s) to be countersigned by the same authority. Head of Office of Government Employee/ Pension Sanctioning Authority in case of Pensioner/ family Pensioners shall extend all sorts of co-operation to the DDOs for implementation of the said scheme and shall monitor the same.
5. Enrolment Cards issued under this scheme shall be surrendered to the Head of Office/ DDO at the time of resignation/ on being relieved from Government service.
6. An Existing or retired employee shall not be eligible to be enrolled again in this new scheme if he/ she had ever opted out of the existing reimbursement scheme for whatever reason.
7. A Government Employee/ Pensioner including family pensioner shall not be entitled to draw the regular medical allowance/ medical relief w.e.f the date of enrolment in the said scheme. The concerned DDO/ Head of Office/ Treasury Officer/ Bank Manager of respective pension paying branch of the concerned Government Pensioner including family pensioners of the Government Employee/ Pensioner are informed to discontinue the drawal of regular medical allowance/ medical relief of the respective Government Employee/ Pensioner upon enrolment in the said scheme.
8. In case of inability of a beneficiary to sign he/she may use Left Thumb Impression (LTI) which should be duly attested by a Group-A Government officer preferably by the concerned DDO. LTI of Government Employee/ Pensioner duly authenticated by the Medical Officer of the concerned HCO may be accepted in case of disability/ incapacity of the Government employee/ pensioner to sign over the forms/ bills.
9. In case of transfer posting of Government employee the present DDO will enter in the www.wbhealthscheme.gov.in the new DDO code of the office where the employee has been transferred. Similarly, in case of Pensioners/ Family pensioners who like to avail medical benefit in an office other than his /her last office DDO or DDO attached with Pension Sanctioning Authority (PSA) in terms of Memo No. 10795-F(Med) dated 22.11.2010 and Memo No. 8246-F(Med) dated 28.09.2012, pensioners’ last office DDO or DDO attached with PSA will enter the new office DDO code for that pensioner/ family pensioner.
10. A Government Pensioner/ family pensioner who had already changed sanctioning authority from PSA to new sanctioning authority on transfer of his place of residence or otherwise in previous reimbursement scheme as per FD Memo No 8246-F(Med) Dated 28/09/2012, he/she should apply the DDO code of his new claim submitting office which he/she opted in earlier occasion instead of his/her last DDO office/PSA on online enrolment.
Sd/- Principal Secretary
to the Government of West Bengal
No. 194-F dated 16.03.2015, Source