Exemption of Vetting Fees for Development Authorities
Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department
Works Branch
Howrah – 711102
No. 518-W(C)/1M-26/15 Date: October 15, 2015
Sub: Levy of vetting fee for checking of Plans, Estimates, tender papers, etc.- exemption to development authorities
The procedure for levy of vetting fee for checking of Plans, Estimates, tender papers, etc. from various departments/undertakings etc. has been laid down vide Memorandum No. 78-W(C)/1M-26/15 dt. 3/3/2015.
2. Urban Development Department had requested PWD for waiving of such fees in case of development authorities as they are fully funded by State Government.
3. The request of Urban Development Department was considered by this Department in consultation with Finance Department and it has since been decided that the development authorities under Urban Development Department shall be exempted from levy of vetting fees.
4. This Order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department, Group-T vide their UO No. Group-T/2015-2016/0570 dt. 14/10/2015 and in partial modification of this Department Memorandum No. 78-W(C)/lM-26/15 dt. 3/3/2015.
5. This is brought to the notice of all concerned for necessary action.
Sd/- Indevar Pandey
Principal Secretary
Public Works Department