
Raising of Income Ceiling for Entitlement of Family Pension

Finance, , , , 👁️ 566

Governor has been pleased to raise the Income Ceiling of mother/ father and unmarried/ widowed/ divorced daughter for entitlement of family pension to Rs. 9000/- only per month.

Finance Department (Pension Branch)
Writers’ Buildings, Block-IV, 2nd Floor
Kolkata – 700 001

No. 270-F (Pen) Dated, Kolkata, the 08th September, 2021


Subject: Raising of income ceiling for ‘dependent’ for the purpose of family pension

Consequent upon the revision of pay and allowances and pension/ family pension of the State Government employees and pensioners respectively, on the recommendation of 6th Pay Commission, the question of raising the Income Ceiling of mother/ father and unmarried/ widowed/ divorced daughter beyond 25 years has been under consideration of the Government for sometime past.

2. After careful consideration of the matter, the Governor has been pleased to decide that the Income Ceiling for entitlement of such family pension be raised to Rs. 9000/- ( Rupees nine thousand) only per month. This will take immediate effect from the date of issue of this order. Other terms and conditions in this regard shall remain the same.

Sd/- S. K. Ghosh
O.S.D & Ex-Officio Joint Secretary
to the Govt. of West Bengal

No. 270-F dated 08.09.2021, Source

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