
Extension of Last Date for Submission of Life Certificate

Finance, 👁️ 170

In view of the ongoing COVID – 19 pandemic and the vulnerability of the elderly persons to Corona virus, the Governor has now been pleased to order that in the current year all the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners may submit Life Certificate to the Treasuries/ Pension Disbursing Banks, as the case may be, till 28.02.2021.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch, Group T
(File No. 328005)

Memo No. 3335-F(Y) Date: 27.11.2020


Sub: Extension of the last date for submission of Life Certificate by the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners

As per existing rules, the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners receiving pension from the State Government are required to submit Life Certificates in the month of November every year to the concerned Treasuries/ Pension Disbursing Banks.

In view of the ongoing COVID – 19 pandemic and the vulnerability of the elderly persons to Corona virus, the Governor has now been pleased to order that in the current year all the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners may submit Life Certificate to the Treasuries/ Pension Disbursing Banks, as the case may be, till 28.02.2021.

During the extended period, the pension/ family pension will continue to be paid by the Pension Disbursing Authorities uninterrupted. The Treasuries/ Public Sector Banks will stop disbursing pension from the month of March 2021 for non-receipt of Life Certificate.

However, in the coming years, unless otherwise directed by the State Government, the concerned Pensioners/ Family Pensioners will have to submit Life Certificate in the month of November as per existing rules failing which Treasury/ Public Sector Banks will stop disbursement of pension/ family pension from the month of January of the next year.

Notwithstanding what has been stated above, the Treasury/ Pension Disbursing bank will continue to accept life certificate even after the scheduled month of November every year and will accordingly take necessary measures for restoration of pension/ family pension, as the case may be, after observing necessary procedures.

Sd/- A. K. Mondal
Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 3335-F dated 27.11.2020, Source