
Modification/ Introduction of New TR Forms

Finance, , 👁️ 323

Change in the format of existing Bill Register which is not a TR form and introduction of one Appropriation register to be maintained by the DDO.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 965-F(Y) Dated, 18th February, 2015


The TR Forms in WBTR, 2005 have been reviewed by a team of experts in Finance Department to check whether the existing forms are amenable to digitization which is essential for e-Pradan (e-Payment) and e-Billing modules of IFMS. The team of experts has recommended some changes in the existing forms, merger of some forms and introduction of some new forms.

In addition to the TR forms, the team of experts of Finance Department has also recommended change in the format of existing Bill Register which is not a TR form and introduction of one Appropriation register. The Bill Register and Appropriation Register will be maintained by the Drawing and Disbursing officers. Hence, these two forms will be included in the WBFR in due course. The state Government has accepted the recommendation of the team of experts and decided to revise some existing TR forms and introduce some new TR forms, as well as Bill Register and Appropriation register.

Therefore, in exercise of the power conferred by clause (2) of Article 283 of Constitution of India, the Governor is pleased to replace the existing TR forms as mentioned under column B in the table below with the new TR forms mentioned under column C of the table for drawal of fund related to the expenditure mentioned under col D of the table. In most of the cases the format has been changed without changing TR form no. Some TR Forms have been merged with other forms and some deleted. New forms have been given new TR form no. Last two are FR forms related to Bill Register and Appropriation register. All these revised and new forms are given in the Annexure of this order.


SL No.T.R Form No. under WBTR, 2005T.R Form No. as per e-BillingDescriptionRemarks
125N.AMerged with T.R 26
22626Bill for drawing charges relating to (a) Wages, (b) Office Expenses, (c) Payment for professional and special services, (d) Rates & Taxes/Royalty, (e) Publications, (f) Advertising, Sales and Publicity Expenses, (g) Hospitality Expenses/Sumptuary allowances etc., (h) Machinery and Equipment/Tools and Plants, (i) Motor Vehicles, (j) Maintenance, (k) Minor works, (1) Materials and Supplies, (m) Other charges, (n) Secret Service Expenditure and o) Recoupment of Permanent Advance etc.
32727Bill for drawing advance without supporting Voucher
42828Detailed bill for adjustment of advance
53131Grant-in-aid Bill/Consolidated Grant-in-aid Bill
73333Bill for scholarship/stipends payable to College/School
83434Bill for Refund of Revenue
93535Refund of Revenue deposited in respect of Agricultural Income Tax, Sales & Commercial Tax and Excise Duty
103636Bill for drawing charges on account of loans and advances, subsidies, investments, etc. to Co-operative societies, Statutory Corporations and other organisations.
1136A36ABill for drawing charges on account of payment/repayment of loans, advances, subsidies, investments, interest on loan, withdrawal from Contingency Fund etc.
124242Deposit Repayment Order and Bill Form
134343Transfer Credit Bill Form
14N.A69Bill for drawing of Fund from Suspense Account for Unsuccessful Transaction by P.A.O/ Treasury OfficerNew Bill Forms
15N.A70Works Bill (Advance bill, Part bill & Final bill)New Bill Forms


11818Pay Bill
22121Travelling Allowance Bill For Transfer/ Leave Travel Concession/ Tour
322N.AMerged with T.R 21
423N.AMerged with T.R 21
52424Medical charges Reimbursement Bill
63737Bill for drawing loans and advances (other than G.P.F. and Festival advances) sanctioned to employees of the Government
73838Schedule of recovery of Loans and Advances/ Interest on Loans and Advances
85050Bill for withdrawal of (a) Commuted Value of Pension, (b) Provisional Gratuity, (c) Final Payment of Gratuity, (d) Death Gratuity, (e) Final Payment of General Provident Fund, (f) Refundable Advance from General Provident Fund, (g) Non-Refundable Advance from General Provident Fund
96060Bill for withdrawal from West Bengal Government Employees’ Group Insurance-cum-Savings Scheme, 1983/ 1987- For Savings Fund
106161Bill for withdrawal from West Bengal Government Employees’ Group Insurance-cum-Savings Scheme, 1983/ 1987
116868Medical charges for Advance/Reimbursement Bill under W.B. Health Scheme 2008
1268AN.AMerged with T.R 68


11010Schedule of Income Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) for Employee/ Beneficiary/ PensionerSchedule to T.R 18 & T.R 26
21111Schedule of House Rent, etc. Recovery for occupation of Government accommodation, etc.
31212Statement of recovery under the West Bengal State Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings and Employments Act, 1979 (West Bengal Act VI of 1979)
412ASchedule of Sales Tax deducted at source from claim of BeneficiaryNew schedule to T.R 26
51313Last Pay Certificate
64646Certificate of General Provident Fund Deductions in respect of Group ‘D’ Employees
74747Schedule of General Provident Fund Deductions
84848Schedule of Provident Fund Deductions
94949Schedule of deductions on account of subscription to Post Office Life Insurance Fund
105353Schedule of Recovery of Subscription under West Bengal State Government Employees Group Insurance-cum-Savings Scheme, 1983
115555Schedule of Recovery of Subscription under West Bengal State Government Employees Group Insurance-cum-Savings Scheme, 1987
12N.A71ASchedule of Recovery from The Pay Bill of IAS/IPS/IFS OfficersNEW
13N.A71BSchedule of Government Contribution under NPS Tier- 1 For IAS/IPS/IFS OfficersNEW


166Bill Transit RegisterApplicable for D.D.O only


Bill RegisterApplicable for DDO only
Appropriation RegisterApplicable for DDO only

This order will take effect from 1st day of April, 2015.

By order of the Governor

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 965-F dated 18.02.2015, Source