Online applications are invited from 07-08-2014 to 08-09-2014 from the meritorious students of class-VIII of Government, Local Body and Government Sponsored or Government Aided schools having 55% (50% in case of SC/ST) marks in the previous annual examination and whose parental income is not more than Rs. 1.5 lac. For submission of online applications the willing students may visit S.E. Department’s website The hard copy of the application after online submission along with duly signed, authenticated and attested Annual Income Certificate of the parents (mandatory for all), Mark-sheet of Class VII Annual Examination, Caste and Disability Certificate(s) (if applicable) must be submitted to District Inspector of Schools (SE) concerned by 8th September, 2014 for appearing at the NMMS Examination 2014 to be held on 2 November 2014. The specimen copy of the application form may also be available in the office of the District Inspector of Schools. Willing and eligible candidates may also collect the same and submit duly filled-in application along with requisite papers to the office of the District Inspector of Schools (SE) of his/her district within 08-09-2014.
Admission (Admit) Card for the eligible candidates will have to be downloaded from the website ten (10) days before the Examination. The Admission (Admit) cards may also be collected by the candidates in person from the office of the District Inspector of Schools (SE) of the concerned District.
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