
New Bill Forms for WBHS 2008

Finance, , , 👁️ 286

The expenditure incurred by, and to be reimbursed to on account of medical attendance and treatment under the WBHS, 2008 may be drawn in T.R. Form. 68 and 68A.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 10501-F(Y), dated 18.11.2011


In exercise of the power conferred by Clause (3) of Article 166 of the Constitution of India, the Governor is pleased hereby to make the following amendments in the West Bengal Treasury Rules, 2005, as subsequently amended (hereinafter referred to as the said Rules):-


A. In part I of the said Rules,

For Rule 4.107 substitute the following Rule:-

4.107. (1) The expenditure incurred by and to be reimbursed to Government employees or officials on account of medical attendance and treatment may be drawn in T.R. Form No. 24 under the sub-head “Salaries”.

The amount drawn in the bill in T.R. Form No. 24 shall be supported by proper receipts and vouchers in all cases.

(2) The expenditure incurred by, and to be reimbursed to Government employees and officials and to retired Government employees and officials on account of medical attendance and treatment under the West Bengal Health Scheme, 2008 may be drawn in T.R. Form. 68.

The amount drawn in the bill in T.R. Form No. 68 shall be supported by Proper receipts and vouchers in all cases.

(3) Advance sanctioned under the West Bengal Health Scheme, 2008 may be drawn in T.R. Form No. 68A.

B. In Part III of the said Rules:-

After T.R. Form No. 67 insert T.R. Form No. 68 and T.R. Form No. 68A as per enclosed formats.

By order of the Governor,

Sd/- S.K.Paul
Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal.

T.R. Form No. 68(pdf)
T.R. Form No. 68A(pdf)

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