
Notification for Teacher Eligibility Test, 2015 (Class I-V)

School Education,

The Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) will be conducted by West Bengal Board of Primary Education in accordance with the NCTE Guidelines on a single day throughout West Bengal.

Update: Corrigendum of Memo No. 673-BPE dated 25.05.2015

West Bengal Board of Primary Education
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan
DK-7/1, Sector II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091

Memo no. 673/BPE/2015 Date: 25-05-2015


All concerned are hereby notified that the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) for classes I – V will be held in terms of the order of the Department of School Education, No. 190-SSE/15, Date: 13-04-2015 and in compliance with the solemn order, passed by the Honourable Calcutta High Court on 17-04-2015 in the light of the Writ Petition No.: WP 3863 (W) of 2015.

The Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) will be conducted by this Board in accordance with the NCTE Guidelines, conveyed by their Memo No. 76-4/2010/NCTE/Acad, Date: 11-02-2011, on a single day throughout West Bengal.

Only those persons who have the minimum as per NCTE-Notification/order regarding the determination of Minimum qualifications, No. F. 61-03/20/2010, date: 23/(25)-08-2010, read with subsequent amendments thereafter and in terms of the order of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, No. S.O.: 918(E), Date: 01-04-2015, are eligible to apply for the TET, i.e. passed on or before 25-05-2015.

Higher Secondary or its equivalent with at least 50% marks (45% for the SC, ST, OBC-A, OBC-B, PH, EC, Ex-Serviceman and DH category candidates)


Graduation from any recognized university, irrespective of percentage of marks therein.

Minimum academic qualifications mentioned above obtained after the date of this notification i.e. 25-05-2015, shall not be accepted. Any such applications submitted shall be rejected.

First Language: Applicants will have to choose any one of the following languages as first language: Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, Nepali, Santhali, Oriya and Telugu. The choice will be on the basis of the medium of instruction in the school.

Second Language: English (for all).

Qualifying Marks: As per Guideline 9(a). A candidate who will score 60% and above of the full marks (150) in the TET will be considered as a TET 2014 passed candidate. A relaxation by 5% (i.e. 55%) will be the qualifying mark for SC, ST, OBC-A, OBC-B, PH, EC, Ex-Serviceman and DH.

The Notification, issued by this Board No. 258/BPE/2015, Date: 16-02-2015 in consequence of the memo of the Department of School Education, No. 66-SSE/15/ES/EE/10-R-3/12, Date: 04-02-2015, stands hereby withdrawn and the notifications, issued by this Board, Date: 1802-2014 (published on19-02-2014), 25-02-2014 (published on 26-02-2014), 06-03-2014(published on 07-03-2014), 14-03-2014 (published on15-03-2014) are hereby revived accordingly.

The unsuccessful TET-2012-candidates holding Acknowledgement Receipts and the candidates who have deposited the required fees for such examination in terms of the notifications, issued by this Board, Date: 18-02-2014 (published on 19-02-2014), 25-02-2014 (published on 26-02-2014), 06-03-2014 (published on 07-03-2014), 14-03-2014 (published on 15-03-2014) need not apply further.

Admit Cards will be issued online to the applicants who have already deposited fees through different branches of the United Bank of India (UBI) in terms of our notification dated 06-03-2014 and holding the deposit slips with Unique ID and date from the website: www.wbresults.nic.in. The date of such issuance will be notified very shortly.

The NCTE-guidelines regarding the holding of the TET, mentioned herein above, will be available in the following websites: www.wbbpe.org and www.wbsed.gov.in

The Applications Forms will be issued to the candidates who have passed the Higher Secondary or its equivalent examination or have Graduated from a recognized university on or before 25-05-2015.

The details regarding the availability of the application forms and procedures for collection and submission of forms, deposit of fees, date, time, venue of the TET examination etc. shall be notified in due course.

Sd/- Dr. R. C. Bagchi

No. 673-BPE dated 25.05.2015

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