
Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) for Pass Graduate Teacher

School Education, 👁️ 208

Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) Examination will be conducted by West Bengal Central School Service Commission for the Pass Graduate Teacher strictly following NCTE guideline in this regard and West Bengal School Service Commission Rule, 2007.

The West Bengal Central School Service Commission
ACHARYA SADAN: 11 & 11/1, Block-EE, Salt Lake; Kolkata-700091

Memo. No. 209/5277/CSSC/ESTT/2014 Date: 29.01.2014


It is hereby notified that the next TET examination for Class V to VIII, for pass graduate vacancies will be conducted on 9th March, 2014 by West Bengal Central School Service Commission.

The Brochures, Forms & blank Admit Cards (to be filled in by the candidate concerned) will be available at 847 Post Offices all over the West Bengal. Kindly refer our Website namely www.westbengalssc.com or www.wbsschelpdesk.com for list of Post Offices where Forms & Brochures shall be available for TET applicants only from 30th January, 2014 to 8th February, 2014. Last date of filling application for TET will be 8th February, 2014 upto 5 PM at the respective Post Offices.

However, the Brochures to be sold are purely guideline for the applicants. Hence, the same or any part thereof shall not be considered as part of prove of evidence at any Hon’ble court having jurisdiction to take cognizance over the issue of selection process conducted by the West Bengal Central School Service Commission. Only this notice and the Rule & Govt. order relevant to the selection process and criteria thereof may be raised at competent court for grievance or dispute if any, of person entitled to take resort such course of Law.

1. TET will be conducted by West Bengal Central School Service Commission for the Pass Graduate Teacher strictly following NCTE guideline in this regard and West Bengal School Service Commission Rule, 2007 along with amendment if any, in the said Rule upto 31st March, 2014.

2. In our Brochures at Part-B (Mode of Selection) it has been mentioned that Hons/PG Teachers, who wish to teach upto Class V to VIII shall have to be TET qualified and also have to sit RLST Examination to be conducted after publication of TET result is subject to modifications as per order of the School Education Department, Govt. of West Bengal as follows:

a) Only Pass Graduate Teachers for Class V to VIII will be selected through TET as per selection procedure as stated in the Brochure and also as follows.

Vacancies against Pass Graduate teachers will be selected on the basis of marks distributed as

a. 40% marks obtained from TET out of 150 marks – 60 marks
b. Academic qualification including Professional qualification or as on last date of Application – 30 marks
c. Experience in Teaching – 5 marks
d. Personality Test – 5 marks

b) However, as per present order of the School Education Department, Govt. of West Bengal all Hons/PG vacancies remaining with the Central School Service Commission shall be treated as vacancies for the Class IX to XII classes and those vacancies will be filled up as per following mode through West Bengal School Service Commission Rule, 2007 including amendment if any, to be made there on following the present Govt. order in this regard.

Selection Procedure (distribution of marks) for Hons/Post Graduate teachers:

For Hons/PG vacancies minimum qualification as stipulated by NCTE is not mandatory. Hence, candidates having qualification as per West Bengal School Service Commission Rule 2007 will be selected as per the mode mentioned in the box below:

a. Subject Test – 60 marks
b. Academic qualification including Professional qualification or as on last date of Application – 30 marks
c. Experience in Teaching – 5 marks
d. Personality Test – 5 marks

This is, however, subject to modification in West Bengal School Service Commission Rule 2007 with amendment upto the publication of available vacancies considered for next RLST for Assistant Teacher of Hons./PG vacancies for the classes IX to XII to be conducted by West Bengal School Service Commission.

Date of notice of next i.e. 13th RLST (AT) 2013 may be published by the West Bengal School Service Commission during the month of April 2014 and selection will be done according to said Rule and Notice to be published as stated above.

Question of 13 th RLST (AT) examination may be subjective/objective as per discretion of the Commission or following relevant Govt. Order/Rule.

3. During 30th January, 2014 to 8th February, 2014, candidates who has minimum 50% marks at Graduation or Master Degree level of examination will be allowed to purchase Form & Brochures from Post Offices & to deposit the filled in OMR Form (for TET only) applications at the same Post Office from where the Form were purchased. However, relaxation of @ 5% marks for Reserve categories applicants will be allowed to sit TET examination as per Rule/Tradition in vogue. No candidates shall be allowed to submit filled in OMR Form application in any other Post Offices except the Post Office from where the same were purchased.

4. The candidates who also want to sit for H/PG vacancies through 13th RLST (AT) may appeared for TET along with next 13th RLST (AT) examination as stated earlier for which they have to submit application of RLST provided with the kit of Forms & Brochures to the respective Regional Commission for which they will be interested to apply after publication of Notice of 13th RLST (AT) during the month of April, 2014.

5. The candidates who does not have requisite minimum marks for appearing TET or who only wants to sit for Hons/PG vacancies shall be allowed to purchase Form & Brochures kit from 12th February, 2014 to 25th February, 2014. However, such applicants 13th RLST (AT) will be allowed to submit the application after Public Notice in this regard mentioning vacancies available for each subject, Category & Regional Commission as will be notified in this regard in future.

6. In OMR form of TET it is mentioned that Commerce graduate may apply for Arts. The same is being modified as follows:

This is however, strictly as per NCTE Guideline-

i) Child Development & Pedagogy (compulsory) – 30 MCQs – 30 Marks

ii) Language I (compulsory) – 30 MCQs – 30 Marks

iii) Language II (compulsory) – 30 MCQs – 30 Marks

iv) (a) For Mathematics and Science teacher: Mathematics and Science – 60 MCQs of 1 mark each
(b) For Social studies teacher: Social Studies – 60 MCQs of 1 mark each
(c) For any other teacher – either 4(a) or 4(b).

Therefore, applicants who are Commerce graduate or graduate of any other stream of education may prefer either of the combination i.e. Arts and Social Science segment or Science/Technical segment.

7. Fees Structure:-

a) For TET:

i) General/ OBC candidates – Rs. 250/-

ii) SC/ST/PH candidates – Rs. 80/-

iii) Candidate not qualified in Part-II at 12th RLST (AT) having minimum qualification of NCTE guideline – Rs. 00/- (No fees required)

Provided if any qualified candidate of Paper II of 12th RLST submit application of TET without fees, then, his/her application shall be rejected.

b) For 13th RLST (AT)

i) General/ OBC candidates – Rs. 250/-

ii) SC/ST/PH candidates – Rs. 80/-

8. Vacancy

Approximate vacancy for Pass Graduate Teacher (Class V to VIII) 4900 as on date throughout the state. However, this may increase, as vacancies which will be received by WBCSSC at the time of publication of result shall also be considered for this TET.

Subject wise and category wise vacancy of TET is being published at our website along with this Public Notice.

RLST vacancies of 13th RLST will be published in the month of April, 2014 at the time of Public Notice for the same.

By Order of Chairman (WBCSSC)

Sd/- Assistant Secretary (WBCSSC)

No. 209-CSSC dated 29.01.2014