Offline Support (Assignment) to the Students of Madrasahs

DD-45, Sector-I, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700064

No.: Pres/12/2021 Date: 26.05.2021

From: The President,
West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education

To: The Head Master/ Head Mistress/ Superintendent/ TIC of recognized Madrasahs of this State

Sub: Offline support (Assignment) to the students of Madrasahs recognized by West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education


We are suffering from second wave of COVID-19 which has caused multiple fatalities. We are also all aware that as a measure to contain the spread of the Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19), the State Government has already declared summer vacation in Schools/Madrasahs. As a part of good hygiene practices all are washing hands regularly and repeatedly, wearing face-mask and maintaining social distancing. There is no certainty when the School/Madrasah will reopen. This closure of Madrasahs have significantly affected the learning teaching of the students. They are even suffering from psychological problems and the feelings like anxiety, stress and uncertainty constricted them. To overcome the situation, it is essential to ensure continuity of learning-teaching. Like previous year, we may start the offline support to the students of Madrasahs by preparing Assignments, sending the same to the students through their Parents/ guardians. The concerned Teacher will evaluate the collected answer booklet and also prepare the next assignment. Both the marked answer booklet and the new assignment will be sent to the students through the parents/guardians. The whole process will be materialised in synchronisation with the Midday Meal scheme and will be continued till the reopening of madrasahs.

The details of implementation strategies and the time schedule (Time table for distribution of the same) are given below for necessary actions. The Madrasah authorities must maintain COVID-19 norms/protocol like compulsory wearing of mask properly and maintenance of social distance etc. strictly and the guidelines issued by the government from time to time during the whole distribution process.

(Dr. Sk Abu Taher Kamruddin)
West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education

Implementation Strategies:

The Head of the Madrasah will distribute the task of preparation of assignments among the Teachers as per class routine. Based on syllabus of 2nd term, the teachers of the madrasahs will prepare class-wise and subject-wise assignments (Full Marks-50) for the students. The assignment will consist of five MCQs, each having 01 mark, five Short questions, each having 2 marks (answer will be within 2-3 sentences) and seven Descriptive type questions, each having 5 marks (answer will be within 13-15 sentences). Since the Mid day Meal scheme is running, the madrasah authority will take the advantage of the same and with the help of the teachers and non teaching staff, the Head of the Madrasah will make necessary arrangement to distribute the class-wise assignments among the parents/guardians maintaining social distancing and other protocol related to Covid-19. The parents/guardians will be requested to distribute the assignment to their ward(s) and tell them to complete the task within the time limit fixed by the Madrasah. On that very date (which will be fixed by the Madrasah authority) the guardian will bring the answer booklet and submit it to the concerned teacher allotted by the madrasah authority. The teacher will evaluate the assignment and give back the same on the next date fixed for taking next assignment. Thus the project will be continued till reopening of Madrasah.

Schedule: A programme schedule is given below which is not exhaustive but illustrative. The Madrasah authority will prepare the same as per their convenience and in consonance with the Midday Meal Scheme.

No. Pres/12 dated 26.05.2021, Source

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