All the procedural and administrative modalities which were stipulated for online admissions for the academic session 2015-16 shall be followed in toto for the ensuing academic session 2016-17.
No. 396-Edn(CS)/10M-95/14(Pt-I) Date: 29.04.2016
Subject: Online admissions for the Academic Session 2016-17 to all UG & PG courses; application of the same modalities as were stipulated for online admissions in 2015-16; clarification reg.
The results of the West Bengal Higher Secondary Examinations 2016 are expected to be published in the middle of May 2016. This Department has received queries from different Colleges of the State regarding the admission modalities to be followed by them for the ensuing academic session 2016-17.
It may be recalled that from the last academic session, i.e. 2015-16, admissions to all Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses (Honours and General) in the State-funded higher education institutions in West Bengal (except institutions recognised as minority institutions) were made through an online, merit-based system in order to render the admissions more transparent, hassle-free and convenient for the students.
Considering the success achieved, and in view of the fact that the requisite infrastructure for the online admissions system has already been put in place in the State’s higher education institutions, I am directed to clarify that all the procedural and administrative modalities which were stipulated for online admissions for the academic session 2015-16 shall be followed in toto for the ensuing academic session 2016-17.
Since funds have already been provided last year for the online system’s hardware and software requirements, and the said infrastructure has already been created, a sum of Rs. 50,000 (fifty thousand) shall be allotted to each State-funded higher education institution in due course for defrayment of costs for the online admissions in the academic session 2016-17. Any expenditure in excess of this amount may be met from the institution’s own funds.
Copies of some of the relevant G.O.s and guidelines issued for last year’s online admissions are enclosed for your ready reference and guidance, viz.
(i) 908-Edn(CS)/10M-95/14, dated 17.11.2014
(ii) 290-Edn(CS), dated 30.03.2015
(iii) 492-Edn(CS)/10M-95/2014, dated 02.06.2015
(iv) 752-Edn(CS)/10M-95/2014 dated 10.08.2015
I am directed to request the Vice-Chancellors of all State-aided Universities to kindly take urgent necessary action in this regard, including issuing suitable instructions to all the affiliated institutions for compliance of the above.
This advisory does not apply to admission to teacher training courses such as B.Ed, B.P.Ed, M.Ed or M.P.Ed etc, for which a separate advisory has been issued vide 301-Edn(CS)/10M-20/2015 dated 14.03.2016.
Special Secretary
Higher Education Department