Search results for: “LABOUR”

  • Norms for Engagement of MDM Cook-cum-Helpers

    Cook-cum-helpers are engaged to cook meals in eligible primary and upper primary schools and serve the hot cooked meals to the students at noon. They are engaged on the basis of number of students enrolled in schools.

  • Samajik Mukti (Social Freedom)

    State Assisted Scheme of Provident Fund for Unorganized Workers (SASPFUW), Buildings and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare (BOCWA) and West Bengal Motor Transport Workers’ Welfare (WBTWSS) Schemes

  • Management of RSBY Help Desk in Government Hospitals

    Rogi Sahayata Kendras are of absolute necessity for effective and successful implementation of RSBY in the Govt. Hospitals considering the workload and non-availability of dedicated manpower for RSBY.

  • Compassionate Appointment in Health Department

    Government employee who – a) dies while in service; or b) is being declared permanently incapacitated by a medical board formed by the Government.

  • West Bengal Public Distribution System (Maintenance and Control) Order, 2013

    This Order extends to the whole of West Bengal except the areas where the West Bengal Urban Public Distribution System (Maintenance & Control) Order, 2013 is in force.

  • Operational Guidelines – Special Newborn Care Unit (SNCU)

    SNCU: The duty should be spread over 6 days a week @ 8 hrs a day. There will be only one day off. Neonatal ward: MO, SNCU visit every morning and evening at least once and in case of emergency.

  • West Bengal Scheme for Compassionate Appointment, 2013

    This Scheme for Compassionate Appointment shall apply to a dependent family member of a Govt employee who – (a) dies while in service; or (b) is disabled permanently.

  • Measurement Book (West Bengal Form No. 2900)

    The Measurement Book must be looked upon as the most important record, since it is the basis of all accounts of quantities, whether of work done by daily labour or by the piece work system or by contract, or of materials received, which have to be counted or measured.

  • Holiday in view of Elections/ Bye Elections, 2013

    Elections/ Bye-elections to the Municipalities/ Municipal Corporation to be held on 22.11.2013 in different Districts in the State declared as public holiday.

  • Facility Based Maternal Care Policy Implementation Committee

    A High Level Task Force was constituted under the chairmanship of Dr. Tridib Banerjee towards facilitation of activities of the Department in reduction of Infant/Maternal Mortality of the state. After having made some substantial improvement in Facility Based newborn Care, it seems necessary to improve the facility based maternal care also.