Search results for: “TENDER”

  • Agencies to do Printing Jobs at Government Departments

    Governor is pleased to include the names of Silpa Barta Printing Press Limited, Saraswaty Press Limited and Basumati corporation Limited as agencies to do printing jobs of Government Departments.

  • Procurement of DSC from any licensed Certified Agency of CCA

    Procurement of DSC can be made from any of the licensed Certifying Agencies of CCA, DEIT, Government of India and payment of fees/ charges for such procurement should be within the overall financial power delegated to the various level of officers.

  • Use of Red/ Blue Light and Flasher on Top of Vehicle

    If red or blue light is affixed to a hired vehicle, then such hired vehicle shall be used only for official purposes and only when the concerned dignitary /official concerned is using such vehicle himself or herself. Use of such hired vehicles with red or blue lights beyond office hours for non-official purposes is strictly…

  • Amendment in Public Works Department Code

    Care shall be taken to see that splitting up does not technically damage the structural soundness of the work as a whole and where such possibility exists, the work shall not be split up into smaller parts.

  • Engagement of Organisations for Preparing DPR

    Engagement of State and Central PSU’s/ Organisations for detailed technical survey as well as preparation of Detailed Project Reports including design, plan and detailed cost estimates, etc., for, inter alia, RIDF projects.

  • Time Schedule for TA and PPP Project Execution

    Total period of TA’s service should normally not exceed 4 months and PPP project execution should commence within 4 months from the date of engagement of TA.

  • West Bengal Government Premises (Regulation of Occupancy) Act, 1984

    An Act to provide for the regulation of occupancy of Government premises in West Bengal, meant for the employees of the State Government, with a view to preventing unlawful occupation of such premises and ensuring the use of such premises by the persons for whom, and for the purpose for which, they are intended.

  • Amendment of West Bengal Financial Rules

    Rule 47(14) – Subject to provision of these rules and any other special rules, suppliers/ service providers sometimes need to be registered or empanelled by the departments/ procurement entities on the basis of their qualification and competence because of the nature of the materials/ service to be procured.

  • Delegation of Financial Power to 15 Departments

    The Administrative Departments will be required to take a written confirmation direct from the Finance Department, Budget Branch (Group-N) that the Central Share has been credited to the State Exchequer.

  • Restructuring of Public Works Department

    To improve the functional efficiency, total working jurisdiction of Public Works Department over the state will be split in three zones namely North Zone, West Zone and South Zone headed by Chief Engineers.