Search results for: ” HEAT STRESS”

  • Better management of Reproductive Efficiency in Bovines

    Large proportion of bovines in our country are unproductive and exhibiting poor reproductive efficiency. This is mainly due to poor management of dairy animals.

  • West Bengal Municipal Corporation Act, 2006

    An Act to consolidate and amend the laws relating to municipal corporations in West Bengal with a view to enabling such corporations to provide a belter and uniform municipal administration for the areas within their respective jurisdictions.

  • Operational Guidelines – Special Newborn Care Unit (SNCU)

    SNCU: The duty should be spread over 6 days a week @ 8 hrs a day. There will be only one day off. Neonatal ward: MO, SNCU visit every morning and evening at least once and in case of emergency.

  • Labour Room Protocol

    “Labour Room Protocol” must be made available to every service provider attached to Labour Room/ Maternity ward of all MCH, DH, SDH, RH, BPHC.

  • West Bengal Prohibition of Unlawful Possession of Gift Goods Act, 1990

    “gift goods” includes wheat, corn soya milk, salad oil, milk powder or clothing, supplied as gift to the State Government or the Central Government or to any person or organisation on behalf of the State Government or the Central Government by any relief organisation for any specific purpose;