Search results for: “ST”

  • Casual Leave due to Change in Academic Session

    No. of Holidays in Secondary Schools for the changed Academic Sessions 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012 & 2012 and the No. of days for Casual Leave to be enjoyed by the Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff of Secondary Schools.

  • Power of Managing Committee of Schools

    Power of the Managing Committee relating to Appointment, Confirmation, Suspension etc. under Rule 28 & 28A of Management of Recognized Non- Government Institutions (Aided and Unaided) Rules, 1969.

  • Child Adoption Leave

    Governor is pleased to decide that if a female employee with less than two surviving children, adopts a child of less than 1 year, she will be entitled to 135 days ‘Child adoption leave’.

  • Transfer Policy for Inspecting Officers of School Education

    Governor has been pleased to make the transfer policy of Inspecting Officials i.e. S.I. of Schools & A.I. of Schools in W.B. Sub. E.S. and A.D.I./D.I. of Schools and ADSE in WBES.

  • New Bill Forms for WBHS 2008

    The expenditure incurred by, and to be reimbursed to on account of medical attendance and treatment under the WBHS, 2008 may be drawn in T.R. Form. 68 and 68A.

  • Date of Engagement as VRP of Para Teachers

    Length of engagement of re-designated para-teachers for the purpose of granting the benefit of payment of Rs. 1 lakh after attaining the age of 60 years.

  • Treatment in Private Nursing Home (80% reimbursement)

    Cost up to 80% of the West Bengal Health Scheme approved rates may be reimbursed for the indoor medical treatment, if availed in a non-empanelled private hospital.

  • Transfer Policy for Medical Officers

    Any Medical Officer, shall have to move out immediately after three years to such area of another category. Category A covers all six districts of N Bengal.

  • Transfer Policy of P.D.O/ P.A/ A.O under P&RD

    Guidelines regulating the transfer of P.D.O and P.A & A.O under the Directorate of Panchayats & Rural Development, West Bengal.

  • Merit-cum-Means Scholarship Programme, 2011-12

    Applications are invited from needy and meritorious students. Students having an annual family income below Rs. 80,000/- are eligible for this scholarship.