Search results for: ” PENSION”

  • Delegation of Power to Grant Subsidy in Transport

    Governor has been pleased to empower the Transport Secretary to the Government of West Bengal to grant subsidy for payment of salary, pension and retirement benefits in respect of employees of the Transport Corporations.

  • Contractual Engagement of Retired UDC in Health

    Application invited from the retired personnel preferably below the age of 61 years for contractual engagement of UDC with monthly consolidated pay of Rs. 10,000/= per month for a period of one year.

  • Guidelines for Drawal of Bills for the Financial Year 2014-15

    State Government has decided to allow drawal of fund from the treasuries/ Pay and Accounts offices of the State Government in anticipation of allotment of fund for the following items of expenditure for the period upto 31st July, 2014.

  • Principles and Procedures of Appointment on Compassionate Ground

    Governor has been pleased to lay down the following principles and procedures to be followed in dealing with the issue of appointment on compassionate ground to the dependants of employees who die-in-harness, or who retire prematurely on being declared permanently incapacitated.

  • West Bengal Government Premises (Regulation of Occupancy) Act, 1984

    An Act to provide for the regulation of occupancy of Government premises in West Bengal, meant for the employees of the State Government, with a view to preventing unlawful occupation of such premises and ensuring the use of such premises by the persons for whom, and for the purpose for which, they are intended.

  • Introduction of New Housing and Medical Benefits

    The State Government with the objective of promoting the welfare of State Government Employees and improve their health and housing benefits has decided to introduce the following measures:

  • Code of Regulations for Anglo-Indian and other Listed Schools, 1993

    This Code shall apply to (a) all Anglo-Indian Schools, (b) all listed schools and (c) all under graduate training colleges and such other institutions imparting either academic or vocational education through the medium of English as the State Government.

  • Introduction of Integrated Financial Management System, IFMS

    In the first phase, e-Bantan will be implemented, tentatively from 1st April 2014. Allotment /release of fund including Budgetary allocation to the Administrative Departments shall be uploaded from time to time by the Finance Department in e-Bantan.

  • Extension of Time for Enrolment under WBHS upto 31.03.2015

    The existing, retired State Govt employees, pensioners, family pensioners, AIS and retired AIS officers who have not enrolled their names under West Bengal Health Scheme, 2008 may be allowed to enrol their names up to 31.03.2015.

  • Cashless Benefit upto Rs. 1 lakh under WBHS

    Government Employees and Pensioners enrolled under West Bengal Health Scheme, 2008 may avail themselves of Cashless benefit up to Rs. 1.00 Lakh during their indoor treatment in the empanelled hospitals under WBHS-2008.