Search results for: ” PENSION”

  • Delegation of Financial Power to Grant Subsidy in Transport

    To grant subsidy for payment of salary, pension and retirement benefits in respect of the existing employees of the Transport Corporations and also for the employees whose appointments under the Transport Corporations.

  • Allotment of Plan and Non-Plan Fund upto December, 2014

    West Bengal Appropriation Bill, 2014 has been passed by West Bengal Legislative Assembly. Copies of the West Bengal Appropriation Act, 2014 have been forwarded to the Administrative Departments under Finance (Budget) Department Memo. No. 499-F.B. dated 30th July, 2014.

  • Promotion of Employees of Group B NMTP Cadre under WBSHS

    Enclosed please find a copy of the list of Grade III employees of Group B NMTP cadre eligible for promotion to the post of Grade II subject to availability of vacancies.

  • Refund of Govt. Share of Contributory Provident Fund

    All Heads of the Secondary /H.S./JR.High/Madrasah are informed to submit the option of teaching and Non-teaching staff who are interested to switch over option for taking G.P.F instead of C.P.F.

  • Grant of Festival Advance in Higher Education

    The employees of all the State-aided Universities and employees of the West Bengal State Council of Higher Education may apply for Interest Free Festival Advance (IFFA) upto a maximum of Rs. 3,000/- only per head.

  • Grant of Interest Free Festival Advance, 2014

    State Govt employee whose revised emoluments on 31.03.2014 did not exceed Rs. 30,000/- per month applies for Interest-free festival advance, he may be granted an advance up to a maximum of Rs. 3,000/- only.

  • Bengal Natural History Society (Acquisition of the Natural History Museum) Act, 1993

    An Act to provide for the acquisition, in the public interest, of the Natural History Museum of the Bengal Natural History Society, and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

  • Tools – Excel Utility, Calculator

    Excel Utility, Tools which may be useful for West Bengal Govt. Employees. All these utilities are created with lots of effort, so we need some favour from you. Please share this to as many people you know.

  • Allotment of 2BHK/ 3 BHK Apartment for Minority

    A person belonging to a Minority Community (i.e either Muslim or Christian or Sikh or Buddhist or Parsi or Jain) intending to acquire an Apartment will have to apply in the prescribed Application Form contained in the Application Kit.

  • Closure of Class due to Heat Wave in June, 2014 – Amendment

    All Government, Government Sponsored and Non-Government aided and unaided schools (Primary to Higher Secondary) will remain closed from 16th June 2014 to 25th June, 2014 due to extreme hot conditions prevailing in the State and to protect school children.