Search results for: “EDUCATION ACT”

  • Bonus to Employees of Educational Institutions, 2020

    Grant of Ad-hoc Bonus to the employees of State-Aided Non-Govt. Educational Institutions and other Sponsored/ Aided Organization for the year 2019-2020.

  • West Bengal Scheduled Castes Advisory Council Act, 2017

    An Act to constitute an Advisory Council for the Scheduled Castes and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

  • West Bengal Allied-Medical and Para-Medical Council Act, 2015

    An Act to provide for the constitution of a Council of the Allied-Medical and Para-Medical professionals as well as for the coordinated development in the education of Allied-Medical and Para-Medical professionals with a view to regulating and maintaining standards of education, practice, maintenance of register of Allied-Medical and para-Medical professionals and for matters connected therewith…

  • West Bengal Tea Plantation Employees’ Welfare Fund Act, 2015

    An Act to make provision for the constitution of a fund for promoting activities connected with the welfare of the employees employed in tea Plantation in West Bengal and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto.

  • West Bengal Yoga and Naturopathic System of Medicine Act, 2010

    An Act to provide for the development of the Yoga and Naturopathic system of medicine and to regulate the teaching and practice thereof and to deal with certain other connected matters.

  • West Bengal Rural Health Regulatory Authority Act, 2009

    An Act to establish the West Bengal Rural Health Regulatory Authority for regulating and registering the diploma holders in rural health care.

  • West Bengal Madrasah Service Commission Act, 2008

    An Act to provide for the constitution of Madrasah Service Commission in West Bengal and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

  • West Bengal Legislature (Removal of Disqualifications) Act, 2007

    An Act to declare that certain offices of profit under the Government of India or the Government of any State specified in the First Schedule to the Constitution of India shall not disqualify the holders thereof for being chosen as, or for being members of the West Bengal Legislative Assembly.

  • West Bengal Special Economic Zone Act, 2003

    An Act to facilitate the development, operation, maintenance, management, administration and regulation of Special Economic Zone in the State of West Bengal so as to accelerate economic reforms and to promote the rapid and orderly growth, development and operation of industries in such Special Economic Zone, and to provide for the matters connected therewith or…

  • West Bengal Services (ROPA), 2019 under School Education

    Governor has been pleased to direct that the date of effect of the revised pay structure, the manner of fixation of pay in the revised pay structure and other conditions of service of the employees under School Education Department.