Pending Works of Gr. D GPF before Pay Bill of May, 2019
Finance, DPPG , Provident Fund 👁️ 220
Certified that all pending works related to online GPF module of Gr. D GPF viz. capture & approval of balances as on 01/04/2018 in online mode and submission of hard copies to DPPG, re-submission of rejected balances in the same way, e-sanctioning of final payment, have been completed.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
Memo. No. 2504-F(Y) Dated, 25th April, 2019
Government of West Bengal has introduced Online GPF Module for the Group D employees including work charged employees of the State Govt. vide GO No. 734-F(J) dt 28/02/2018 read with GO No. 1999-F(J) dated 05.06.2018 and DPPG, WB has been authorized to maintain the GPF A/cs in IFMS w.e.f. 01.04.2018. As a prerequisite, necessary instructions were issued to Head of Offices vide GO No. 734-F(J)W.B. dt. 28/02/2018 read with GO No. 1115-F(J) dt. 29.03.2018.
However, a significant number of Head of Offices have not yet completed the various works related to this module such as capturing and approval of opening balance, submission of hard copies of Annexure-I & II, re-submission of rejected balance, according e-sanction of Final Payments.
In view of above, the governor is pleased to decide that
(i) all the Head of Offices should complete the pending works positively before submission of Pay Bill of Gr. D employees for the month of May, 2019 so that DPPG, WB may accomplish the task of maintaining the GPF A/cs on online platform properly and
(ii) at the same time, the PAOs/TOs concerned will obtain the following certificate on the body of the Pay Bill of May 2019 in respect of Gr. D employees from the Head of Offices before passing the same:
“Certified that all pending works related to online GPF module of Gr. D GPF viz. capture & approval of balances as on 01/04/2018 in online mode and submission of hard copies of Annexure-I and Annexure-II to DPPG, re-submission of rejected balances in the same way, e-sanctioning of final payment, have been completed in compliance of G.O No. 734-F(J) WB dt. 28/02/2018, 1115-F(J) dt. 29/03/2018, 1353-F(J)WB dt. 18/04/2018 and 1999-F(J) WB dt. 05/06/2018. A copy of Opening Balance Capture Status Report generated from system is enclosed”.
This order will take immediate effect.
Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Additional Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
No. 2504-F dated 25.04.2019, Source
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