Finance, Pay & Accounts , Treasury
Government offices in West Bengal have resumed their normal function, so, physical submission and processing of all bills and advices in Treasuries and Pay and Accounts Offices will be resumed w.e.f 01.02.2021.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch (Group T)
(File No. 353035)
No: 422-F(Y) Dated, the 29th January, 2021
Sub:- Resumption of physical submission and processing of bills and advices in Treasuries and PAOs w.e.f 01.02.2021
In an attempt of combating the pandemic of COVID19 and imposing complete safety measure, State Govt. earlier introduced ‘Online’ mode for submission and processing of bills and advices in Treasuries and Pay and Accounts Offices.
Modalities in this regard was issued vide Finance Dept’s Memo No. 2218-F(Y) dated 16.07.2020 allowing the Treasuries and Pay & Accounts Offices to receive and process all types of e-Bills/ e-Advices generated through IFMS except Advance Adjustment Bills, on the basis of signed copy of Annexure-I mailed by the respective DDOs/Administrators.
The validity of Finance Dept’s Memo No. 2218 F(Y) dated 16.07.2020 has recently been extended upto 31.01.2021 vide Memo No. 2-F(Y) dated 02.01.2021.
Considering the fact that the public transport system have become normal and the Government offices in West Bengal have resumed their normal function, the Governor is now pleased to order that, physical submission and processing of all bills and advices in Treasuries and Pay and Accounts Offices will be resumed w.e.f 01.02.2021.
In order to ensure smooth and hassle free functioning and timely disposal of bills and advices that are likely to be submitted to the Treasuries and Pay & Accounts Offices, the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, the Pay and Accounts Officers and the Collector/ Treasury Officers, may, if required, without affecting the safety measures, take necessary steps to restore upto (100%) attendance of officers and staff in their respective establishment.
Principal Secretary to the
Govt. of West Bengal