All the Departments are requested to forward the re-employment cases to Finance Department prior to issue of re-employment order after due observance of guidelines.
Government of West Bengal
Finance (Audit) Department
Nabanna, Howrah – 711 102.
No. 540-F(P) Date: 30.01.2017
It has since been decided that quoting of U.O. No. issued by Finance Department is mandatory in the HRMS module with effect from 01.01.2017. Whereas, at present re-employment order of the officers are issued by P & AR Department after due observance of guidelines but the appointment orders issued by the Department do not contain U.O. No. of Finance Department.
2. After careful consideration of the matters the Governor has been pleased to take the following decision:-
i) All the Departments are hereby requested to forward the re-employment cases after due observance of guidelines circulated vide Cabinet Secretariat No. 1-CC(R)/11 dated 03.08.2011 and P&AR Department’s memo No. 180-PAR(Genl.) dated 30.01.2012 to Finance Department prior to issue of re-employment order.
ii) The re-employment cases prior to 01.01.2017 should also be referred to Finance Department for post-facto concurrence.
Sd/- H. K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal