Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
(Elementary Education Branch)
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-91
No. 745-SE(EE)/10M-186/2010 Dated: 06.11.2012
WHEREAS a good number of communications have been received by the School Education Deptt. seeking clarification as to the procedure of admission of children in elementary classes in Govt.-run and Govt. aided Pry./ Upper Pry. /High/ Higher Secondary Schools for the academic session-2013;
AND WHEREAS as per provisions of RTE Act, 2009 no child or his/ her parents shall be subjected to any kind of screening procedure in case of his/her admission to elementary classes and all children from 6-14 years shall be admitted to their age appropriate classes in neighbourhood Schools and elementary education shall be provided to them free of cost;
It has therefore, been decided that admission in elementary classes shall be done through the process of lottery if number of candidates seeking admission to a class is more than the number of available seats for admission. The mode of conducting the lotteries will be as follows:-
(a) At first a general lottery from amongst all applications irrespective of their categories (SC/ST/OBC etc.) is to be done to select the general candidates.
(b) Thereafter a set of lotteries for the left over candidates category-wise-are to be performed for selection of SC, ST, OBC candidates.
It is however mentionable in this connection that in case a Pry. School and an Upper Pry. /High/ Higher Secondary Schools run in the same building/premises, the class – IV students of Pry. School shall automatically be admitted to class – V of the Upper Pry. /High/ Higher Secondary Schools located in the common premises. No lottery is required to be done in case admission of such children. After admission of all such interested candidates in class – V, the rest seats shall be filled up through lottery. If however, any parent/ guardian fail to get his/her ward admitted to any school through the process of lottery, he/she shall apply before the DI of Schools (PE)/DI of Schools (SE), as the case may be for admission of his/her ward in a neighbourhood school.
The aforesaid policy shall be followed in all Govt. run/ Govt. aided schools for admission of children in elementary classes for the academic Session-2013.
This may be communicated to all concerned for immediate implementation.
Sd/- A. Roy
Secretary, School Education Deptt.
No. 745-SE dated 06.11.2012
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