Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 4681-F(Y). Dated, 8th September, 2014.
Sub: Inclusion of heads of accounts for revenue receipts administered by I&W Dptt., Dte of Factories under Labour Dptt., Dte of Electricity duty and Commissioner of Agricultural Income Tax under Finance Dptt., through GRIPS Portal
On-line receipt of State Government revenue receipts of Irrigation & Waterways Department, Dte of Factories under Labour Dptt., Dte of Electricity duty, and Commissioner of Agricultural Income Tax under Finance Dptt. under the heads of accounts mentioned in the Annexure through GRIPS portal was under consideration of the State Government for some time past. Now, the Administrative Departments having completed the process of tuning their system to electronic receipt of the revenue approached Finance Department to enable the GRIPS portal to receive the departmental revenue henceforth.
Now, therefore, the Governor is pleased to include the heads of accounts for the above mentioned departments and Directorates in GRIPS Portal for on-line and off-line receipt of the revenue receipts through all/ any of the participant bankers in the GRIPS portal.
The Guidelines issued in this regard vide F.D notification no. 8298-F(Y) dt. 03.10.12, Memo. Nos. 9668-F(Y) dt. 30.11.12, 10578-F(Y) dt. 28.12.12 & 5533-F(Y) dt. 09.07.13 will apply mutandis mutandis.
Sd/-H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal.
No. 4681-F dated 08.09.2014, Source
0045-00-101-006-03 | Other taxes and duties on commodities and services – collection from cable, subcable operators |
0045-00-101-006-06 | Fines/forfeiture/penalties on other taxes and duties on commodities and services – collection from cable, sub-cable operators |
0045-00-101-007-03 | Other taxes and duties on commodities and services – persons supplying luxury- cum-entertainment products |
0045-00-105-001-03 | Luxury tax, West Bengal Entertainment and luxuries (hotels and restaurants) tax Act, 1972 |
0045-00-102-001-03 | Betting tax – collection from Totalisators |
0045-00-102-002-03 | Betting tax – collection from Bookmakers |
0075-00-103-002-16 | State lotteries-collection of fees under West Bengal State Lotteries Rules |
0035-00-101-001-27 | Receipts under West Bengal Multi-storied Building Tax Act in Urban Area |
0035-00-101-002-27 | Receipts under West Bengal Urban Land Taxation Act in Urban Area |
0045-00-800-001-03 | Other receipts – collection on other items – tax |
0045-00-800-001-27 | Other receipts – collection on other items – other receipts |