
Recruitment Rules for Assistant Canal Revenue Officer (Irrigation) under IWD

Irrigation and Waterways, , , , , , 👁️ 313

Rules regulating the recruitment to the posts of Assistant Canal Revenue Officer (Irrigation) under the Department of Irrigation & Waterways, Government of West Bengal.

Irrigation & Waterways Department
“Jalasampad Bhawan”, 3rd Floor
Bidhannagar, Kolkata – 700 091

No. 95-IRC Dated 29th August, 2019


In exercise of the power conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India and in supersession of all earlier rules, orders or notification on the subjects, the Governor is pleased hereby to make, with immediate effect, the following rules regulating the recruitment to the posts of Assistant Canal Revenue Officer (Irrigation) under the Department of Irrigation & Waterways, Government of West Bengal, namely :-


The method of, and the qualification required for, recruitment to the posts of Assistant Canal Revenue Officer (Irrigation) under the Department of Irrigation & Waterways, Government of West Bengal, shall be as detailed below:-

1. Name of the Post

Assistant Canal Revenue Officer (Irrigation);

2. Appointing Authority

The Additional Chief Secretary or the Principal Secretary or the Secretary, Irrigation & Waterways Department, Government of West Bengal, shall be the appointing authority.

3. Method of recruitment

(1) 60% of the total post shall be filled up by direct recruitment on the basis of the results of the combined competitive examination for recruitment to the West Bengal Civil Service (Executive) and certain other services;

Note.- The posts shall be included in Group-‘C’ of the posts, recruitment to which is made on the results of examination as aforesaid.

(2) 40% of the total post shall be filled up by promotion:

(a) 50% of the promotional posts shall be filled up from the post of Zilladars under Revenue Set up of the Irrigation & Waterways Directorate, who have rendered minimum five years of service in that post:

(b) 50% of the promotional posts shall be filled up from amongst the post of –

(i) Head Assistants and Upper Division Assistants of the Office of the Chief Engineers, Irrigation & Waterways Directorate; and

(ii) Head Clerks and Upper Division Clerks of the Regional Offices under the Irrigation & Waterways Directorate:

Provided that the distribution of such promotional posts in category (i) and (ii) above will be in equal ratio.

Provided further that in order to be eligible for such promotion, a candidate must have rendered minimum five years of combined service in the post of Head Assistant or Head Clerk and Upper Division Assistant or Upper Division Clerk taken together;

4. Qualification and age for direct recruitment

The qualifications and the age for direct recruitment shall be same as are prescribed by the State Government from time to time for recruitment to the West Bengal Civil Service (Executive) and certain other services;

5. Eligibility of departmental candidate to apply for direct recruitment

Departmental candidates having the requisite qualification and age for direct recruitment shall be eligible to apply for the post.

By Order of the Governor,

Additional Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 95-IRC dated 29.08.2019, Source