No. 28 dated 25th February, 2016
In exercise of the power conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor is pleased hereby to make, the following amendments in the rules for regulation of recruitment to the Engineering Services under the Public Works Department, Government of West Bengal, published under this Department Notification No. 219, dated 07.10.1986 (hereinafter referred to as the said rules):-
In the said rules:-
(1) in ‘Part-I-Cadre‘ for rule 3, substitute the following rules:-
“(3) There shall be the following two services namely:
(a) West Bengal Engineering Service consisting of the posts of Engineer-in-Chief, Chief Engineer, Superintending Engineer (including the posts which are designated as Assistant Chief Engineer), Executive Engineer (including the posts which are designated as Technical Assistant to the Superintending Engineer) and Assistant Engineers.
(b) West Bengal Subordinate Engineering Service consisting of posts of Junior Engineer (Civil)”;
(2) for ‘Part-II-Rules of Recruitment‘, substitute the following part:-
“Part-II-Rules of Recruitment
4.A. West Bengal Engineering Service
(a) Engineer-in-Chief: The post of Engineer-in-Chief shall be filled up by selection from amongst Chief Engineer with at least one year of residual service on the date of occurrence of vacancy:
Provided that a Selection Committee shall be made for selection to the post by order;
(b) Chief Engineer: The post of Chief Engineer shall be filled up by selection from amongst the Superintending Engineer [including the posts which are designated as Superintending Engineer (Selection Grade) and Assistant Chief Engineer] with at least one year of residual service on the date of occurrence of vacancy:
Provided that a Selection Committee shall be made for selection to the post by order;
(c) Superintending Engineer: The posts of Superintending Engineer (including the posts which are designated as Assistant Chief Engineer) shall be filled up by promotion from the rank of Executive Engineer (including the posts which are designated as Technical Assistant to the Superintending Engineer);
(d) I. Executive Engineer
(i) Subject to the provision of Sub-clause (ii), the posts of Executive Engineer (including the posts which are designated as Technical Assistant to the Superintending Engineer), shall be filled up by promotion from the rank of Assistant Engineer, provided that if sufficient number of Assistant Engineers suitable for such promotion are not available at any time, the posts may be filled up by direct recruitment.
II. Qualification for direct recruitment
(a) A degree in Civil Engineering from a recognised University or equivalent qualification.
(b) Six years’ experience in Civil Engineering
(c) Age – Not more than 38 years on 1st January of the year of advertisement.
Provided that the upper age may be relaxable for the candidate belonging to the categories of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Other Backward Classes as per the Government Order for the time being in force;
(ii) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other rule, an Assistant Engineer is eligible to be considered for promotion to the rank of Executive Engineer after he has completed 6 years of service as Assistant Engineer and has passed the Departmental and Professional Examinations referred to respectively in Chapter V and VI of the Services (Training and Examination) Rules, West Bengal, at any stage of his service subject to availability of vacancy;
e) Assistant Engineer
Recruitment to the posts of Assistant Engineer shall be made as follows:-
(i) 60% of the posts of Assistant Engineer shall be filled up by direct recruitment through Public Service Commission, West Bengal provided that the State Government may fill up in the exigencies of the public service vacant posts of Assistant Engineer in the direct recruitment quota.
(A) Scheme of examination
The examination shall consist of two parts-written and interview. Written part shall bear total marks of 200 and that in the interview shall be 100.
(B) Syllabus for written examination
This shall be decided by the West Bengal Public Service Commission in consultation with the department.
(ii) The remaining 40% of the posts of Assistant Engineer shall be filled up by promotion from amongst the confirmed Junior Engineers(Civil) by selection through the Public Service Commission subject to the provision of sub-clause(iv) of clause (e); provided that if on any occasion suitable departmental candidates for promotion are not available, the State may in its discretion fill up the posts in the promotion quota by direct recruitment through the Public Service Commission in the manner stated in sub-clause (i).
(iii) Qualification for direct recruitment to the post of Assistant Engineer shall be as follows :-
(a) Essential – A degree in Civil Engineering of a recognised University or equivalent qualifications.
(b) Age – Not more than 32 years on the 1st day of January of the year of advertisement; provided that the upper age may be relaxed for the candidate belonging to the categories of Schedule Caste, Schedule Tribes and other Backward Classes as per Government order for the time being in force.”
(iv) In order to be eligible for promotion to the rank of Assistant Engineer a Junior Engineer(Civil) must fulfil the following conditions –
(a) he must render a minimum of 10 (ten) years’ continuous service as a Junior Engineer (Civil) in the regular establishment under Public Works Department;
(b) he must be confirmed in the post of Junior Engineers (Civil); and
(c) he must pass an examination to be conducted by the Public Service Commission, West Bengal which will be of the same standard as the Professional Examination referred to in Chapter VI of the Service (Training and Examination) Rules, West Bengal, provided that a Junior Engineer (Civil) who has rendered a minimum of 8 (eight) years service including temporary service in a post of Junior Engineers (Civil) in the regular establishment shall be eligible for appearing at the said examination.
B. West Bengal Subordinate Engineering Service
Recruitment to the post of Junior Engineer (Civil) shall be in accordance with the rules regulating the recruitment to the cadres of the West Bengal Sub-ordinate Service of Engineers (Civil), the West Bengal Sub-ordinate Service of Engineers (Mechanical), the West Bengal Sub-ordinate Service of Engineers (Electrical) and the posts of Junior Engineers (Civil/Mechanical/Electrical) under various Departments, Directorates, other offices and establishments vide Notification No. 7551 -F(P) dated 16th October, 2015 of Finance Department, Government of West Bengal for recruitment to the cadres of the West Bengal Sub-ordinate Service of Engineers (Civil).”
(3) Omit Part – III’
By order of the Governor,
Principal Secy. to the
Govt. of West Bengal.
No. 28 dated 25.02.2016
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