
Remuneration of Computer Instructor under ICT @ School Project

School Education, , 👁ī¸ 970

Enhancement of Professional Fees/ Remuneration of Contractual IT Personnel. This order is applicable only for the category of Computer Instructors under ICT @School Project.

Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Planning & Budget Branch
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata -700091

No. 215-SE(P&B)/SED-18030/1/2023-PB SEC-Dept. of SE Dated, the 28th July 2023


Sub: Enhancement of Professional Fees/ Remuneration of Contractual IT Personnel.

The question of enhancement of Professional fee/ remuneration of the IT personnel brought under Notification No. 192-IT/06/2020/P&AR-e-Gov, dated 16/10/2020 has been under active consideration of the Government for some time past.

Now, after careful consideration of the matter, the P&AR Department of this Government vide its Memo No. 85-PAR-23012/10/2020-eGov dt. 06/04/2023 (copy enclosed) has decided to allow 3% yearly enhancement of professional fee/ remuneration of the contractual IT personnel (with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide their U.O. No. Group P2/2022-2023/0981 dated 23/03/2023) who have come under P&AR Deptt.’s Notification No. 192-IT/06/2020/P&AR-e-Gov dated 16/10/2020 on 1st July every year provided that concerned employee has completed 6 (six) months or more from the date of initial engagement. This order is applicable only for the category of Computer Instructors under ICT @School Project.

The other contractual IT personnel, who are covered under the said notification and already in receipt of yearly enhancement of professional fee/remuneration, will continue to receive the annual enhancement allowed to them.

Enclo: As stated

Joint Secretary,
School Education Department

No. 215-SE dated 28.07.2023, Source

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