
Revised Procedure of Issuance of PPO from DPPG, W.B.

Finance, , , 👁️ 260

e-PPO will be issued and transmitted to the Treasuries through IFMS system in respect of pension cases those are lying pending at DPPG, W.B for issuance of manual PPO.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

G.O No. 2546-F(Y) Date:- 21.04.2017

Sub: Revised procedure of issuance of PPO from DPPG, W.B and commencement of pension thereof.

The School Education Department, W.B. has introduced a revised procedure for processing and disposal of pension cases of the employees of the Non-Government aided and recognized educational institution vide Order No. 62-SSE/17 dated-17.04.2017. As per the revised scheme, e-PPO will be transmitted to the Pension Disbursing Authorities from e-Pension Portal through IFMS. The new system shall bring an end of manual entry of PPO at the Treasuries for payment of pension.

But in the meantime a good number of pension cases have already been received and processed at Directorate of Pension, Provident Fund & Group Insurance, W.B. The cases are ready for issuing Pension Payment Order (PPO) as per the existing procedure. The matter of bringing such pension cases under e-PPO system was under consideration of the Government to reap the benefit e-Governance initiatives.

As the integration of IFMS with e-Pension Portal has successfully been completed, the Governor is now pleased to decide that e-PPO will be issued and transmitted to the Treasuries through IFMS system in respect of pension cases those are lying pending at DPPG, W.B for issuance of manual PPO.

Treasury Officer shall receive the e-PPO through IFMS. On appearance of the pensioner/family pensioner at the Treasury, the Treasury Officer shall download the e-PPO from the portal and complete the identification process of the pensioner/family pensioner on production of the documents required as per WBTR-2005 without insisting the presentation of physical copy of the PPO from the Pensioner. After identification of the pensioner/family pensioner one signed copy of e-PPO shall be made over to the Pensioner/family pensioner. All other modalities relating to identification of pensioner and commencement of payment of pension shall remain unchanged.

This order will take immediate effect. Necessary changes in WBTR-2005 will be made in due course.

Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 2546-F dated 21.04.2017, Source

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