
Sanction and Disbursement of post 01.01.2016 Pensioners

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Introduction of Revised Modalities of Sanction and disbursement of Revised Pension/ Family Pension/ Gratuity/ Commuted Value of Pension of Post- 01.01.2016 Pensioners.


No. 55-F(Pen) Dated, 21st January, 2020


Sub: Introduction of Revised Modalities of Sanction and disbursement of Revised Pension/ Family Pension/ Gratuity/ Commuted Value of Pension of Post- 01.01.2016 Pensioners

In terms of Memorandum No. 536-F(Pen) dated- 01.10.2019 the modalities of sanction and drawl of Pension/ Family Pension/ Gratuity/ Commuted Value of Pension of those pensioners who retired after coming into force of the WBS (ROPA) Rules, 2019 w.e.f. 01.01.2016 notionally were prescribed. According to the order the Pension/ Family Pension of those employees whose pay has been fixed under the said rules actually or in whose favour such revised pay has been allowed notionally shall be determined and sanctioned by the Pension Sanctioning Authority in Annexure-II/III as the case may be. As per Point No. D of the Memo No. 536-F(Pen) dated- 01.10.2019, the DDO of Pension Sanctioning Authority shall draw the bill for balance amount of Revised Retiring/ Death Gratuity and Commuted Value of Pension and Pension Disbursing Authority (PDA) i.e. Treasury Officer in Districts/ Public Sector Banks in Kolkata were authorized to pay the Revised Pension/ Family Pension without further authorization from the AG(A&E), West Bengal.

The new modalities for sanction and disbursement of Pension/ Family Pension, Gratuity and Commuted Value of Pension of Post- 01.01.2016 Pensioners introduced vide Memorandum No. 536-F(Pen) dated- 01.10.2019 have been reviewed by the Finance Department as per observations by A.G(A&E), West Bengal. As per the observation of the expert team of Finance Department some modifications have been considered necessary for smooth, timely and correct payment of revised benefits.

Accordingly the Governor is pleased to adopt the revised modalities as detailed below for sanction and disbursement of Revised Pension/ Family Pension, balance amount Revised Retiring Gratuity/ Death Gratuity and Commuted Value of Pension of Post- 01.01.2016 State Government Pensioners/ Family Pensioners in partial modification of the Memorandum No. 536-F(Pen) dated- 01.10.2016, 660-F(Pen) dated- 16.12.2019, 680-F(Pen) dated- 23.12.2019, 681-F(Pen) dated- 23.12.2019 and 690-F(Pen) dated- 30.12.2019.

1. The Pension Sanctioning Authority (PSA) will sanction Revised Pension/Family Pension, balance Amount of Revised Death/Retiring Gratuity and Commuted Value of Pension in Annexure-II (Format for sanction of Revised Pension, Revised Gratuity and Commuted Value of Pension)/Annexure-III (Format for sanction of Revised Family Pension and Revised Death Gratuity) in the Revised Formats annexed herein and send the same to A.G (A&E) West Bengal for issuance of Revised PPO with copy to the Pension Disbursing Treasury/ Public Sector Banks in Kolkata.

2. Pension Disbursing Treasury in districts/Public Sector Banks in Kolkata shall on receipt of sanction in Revised Annexure-II/III (as the case may be) start disbursement of Revised Pension/ Family Pension provisionally w.e.f. 01.01.2020.

3. On the basis of revised Annexure-II/III from PSA, A.G (A&E) West Bengal being the ‘Audit Officer’ shall issue ‘Revised Pension Payment Order (PPO)’ for Payment of balance amount of Revised Retiring Gratuity/Death Gratuity, Commuted Value of Pension and Revised Pension/ Family Pension w.e.f. 01.01.2020.

4. On the basis of Revised PPO issued by A.G (A&E) West Bengal, Pension Disbursing Treasury/ Public Sector Banks in Kolkata shall draw and disburse the balance amount of Revised Retiring/ Death Gratuity and Additional Commuted Value of Pension.

5. Revised Amount of Pension/ Family Pension already paid provisionally by the Pension Disbursing Authority w.e.f. 01.01.2020 as per Annexure-II/III shall have to be adjusted with the final Revised Basic Pension/Family Pension as per Revised PPO issued by A.G (A&E), West Bengal, Overpayment, if any, already made shall have to be adjusted accordingly.

6. Pension Disbursing Authority shall after making payment of Additional Commuted Value of Pension on the basis of Revised PPO issued from A.G(A&E), West Bengal shall start deducting the ‘Amount commuted additionally’ w.e.f. from the 1st date of the month in which such Additional Commuted Value of Pension will be paid to the Pensioner. Such amount of additional commutation shall be restored after 15 years from the 1st date of the month of disbursement.

7. The effective date for calculating the commuted value of additional commutation shall be considered the date on which Pensioner had already opted for commutation during retirement i.e. the age reckoned for calculation of Commuted Value of Pension at the time of original application. [Refer Clarification No. 1 of Memo No. 680-F(Pen) dated- 23.12.2019].

8. Pensioners who want to commute for the first time after coming into Revised Pay Structure as per WBS (ROPA) Rules, 2019 w.e.f. 01.01.2020 shall also be eligible to commute a part of the Revised Basic Pension subject to maximum 40 percent. In their case Commutation value expressed as number of years purchase for the age as on next birthday on or after 01.01.2020 shall be taken into account. Such commuted amount shall be restored after 15 years from the date of retirement. [Refer Sl. No. 4 of Memo No. 690-F(Pen) dated- 30.12.2019]

9. In cases where Pensioner/ Family Pensioner is residing in other States, A.G (A&E), West Bengal shall on receipt of sanction in Annexure-II/III (as the case may be) issue authority to the Other States for revision of Pension/Family Pension, Payment of balance amount of Revised Retiring/Death Gratuity, Commuted Value of Pension under special seal and signature of authorized officer.

10. Pension Sanctioning Authority shall obtain the Date of birth of the Family Pensioner in Annexure-I at the time of receipt of application for revision of family pension and shall invariably include the same in the format of ‘Sanction of Family Pension in Annexure-III. The documents already authorized vide Memo No. 635-F(Pen) dated- 14.07.2010 as proof of birth may be taken into consideration. However the Pension Disbursing Authorities shall also be eligible to extend the benefits of Additional Quantum of family Pension following the directions contained in Memo No. 1025-F(Pen) dated- 24.10.2010 in cases where the date of birth of the family pensioner will not be available in the original PPO as well as Revised PPO without referring the same to the Pension Sanctioning Authority further.

11. While sending the Sanction of Revised Pensionery benefits in Annexure-II/III, the DDO of Pension Sanctioning Authority shall give a declaration in Annexure-IV that ‘No Payment of balance amount of Revised Gratuity and/or Commuted Value of Pension has been made from this end vide Para-D(i) of the Memo No. 536-F(Pen) dated- 01.10.2019‘.

12. In cases where the payment of balance amount of Revised Retiring Gratuity/Death Gratuity and Additional Commuted Value of Pension has already been made and Revised Pension/Family Pension has already been commenced w.e.f. 01.01.2020 vide Para-D(i) of Memo No. 536-F(Pen) dated- 01.10.2019 read with Serial No. 1 of the Notification No. 690-F (Pen) dated- 30.12.2019, such cases shall not be sent to A.G(A&E), West Bengal for issuance of Revised PPO. A.G (A&E), West Bengal shall check those cases from the copy of Annexure-II/III already received at their end and issue a certificate in this regard. In case any recovery is required to be made due to wrong calculation, A.G(A&E), West Bengal shall intimate the same to Pension Disbursing Authority for recovery.

13. No further payment of balance amount of Revised Gratuity and Additional Commuted Value of Pension shall be made by the DDO of Pension Sanctioning Authority as per the Para-D(i) of Memo No. 536-F(Pen) dated- 01.10.2019. Similarly no further bills shall be processed for payment by the Treasury Officer/Pay & Accounts Officer consequent upon issuance of this Memorandum.

14. A.G (A&E), West Bengal shall ensure that Revised PPOs are issued preferably within 30 (Thirty) working days from the date of receipt of sanction in Annexure-II/III from the Pension Sanctioning Authority. Similarly Pension Disbursing Treasuries/Public Sector Banks in Kolkata shall ensure the payment of balance amount of Revised Gratuity and Additional Commuted Value of Pension within 15 (fifteen) working days from the date of receipt of Revised PPO from A.G (A&E), West Bengal and start deducting the ‘Additional Amount of Commutation’ as stated in Sl. No.6 above.

15. The bills of Retiring/ Death Gratuity and Commuted Value of Pension of those employees who will retire/have died on or after 01.01.2020 after coming into the Revised Pay Structure w.e.f. 01.01.2020, shall however be drawn by the DDO of Pension Sanctioning Authority as usual on the basis of Gratuity Payment Authority and Commuted Value of Pension Payment Authority to be issued by A.G(A&E), West Bengal.

16. Pension Sanctioning Authorities (PSA) shall also sanction the Revised Pension/ Family Pension of those cases mentioned in Para-4.4 of the Memorandum No. 535-F(Pen) dated- 01.10.2019 read with Point No. 5 of Memo No. 681-F(Pen) dated- 23.12.2019. The copies of previous pension papers, service book and initial pay fixation papers shall be sent to A.G (A&E), West Bengal for issuance of Revised PPO from A.G(A&E), West Bengal in modification of Point No. 5 of Memo No. 681-F(Pen) dated- 23.12.2019.

17. Relevant Provisions of the Memo No. 536-F(Pen) dated- 01.10.2019, 681-F(Pen) dated- 23.12.2019 and 690-F(Pen) dated- 30.12.2019 hereby stand modified. The revised format of Annexure-II and Annexure-III attached herewith shall be considered to come into effect from the date of issue of this order in discontinuation of the formats of Annexure-II & III notified vide Memorandum No. 660-F(Pen) dated- 16.12.2019.

18. This order shall take immediate effect. Necessary amendments in W.B. DCRB Rules, 1971 and W.B. Treasury Rules-2005 shall be made in due courses.

Sd/- S.K. Ghosh
OSD & E.O. Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 55-F dated 21.01.2020, Source

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