
Sanctioning Authority of Revised Administrative Approval

Finance, ,

Delegating full power to Administrative Departments for according Revised Administrative Approval due to acceptance of rates upto 10% above without any change in scope of work.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch, Group-T,
(File No. 119620)

No. 2527-F(Y) Dated, 27 August, 2021


Sub: Delegating full power to Administrative Departments for according Revised Administrative Approval due to acceptance of rates upto 10% above without any change in scope of work

Revised Administrative Approval means according approval to the modifications of originally approved project/Scheme by the same authority or higher authority due to reasons like:

a) Change in scope of the original project

b) Change in name of the project due to change in scope

c) Change in Head of Account

d) Change in originally approved amount

e) Change in duration of the project beyond admissible limits

  1. Now, as per existing rules, the Administrative Departments can accept L1 bid with upto 10% higher rate in case of responsive (with at least 3 qualified bidders) tenders provided they are satisfied about the reasonableness of the discovered rate. If, due to acceptance of such higher rate, the total cost exceeds the amount of original Administrative Approval, the Administrative Department is required to obtain Revised Administrative Approval for the project from competent authority. This sometimes requires sending files to Finance Department for Revised Administrative Approval which may cause delay in execution of time bound projects/works.
  2. In such cases of responsive tenders, where the Revised Administrative Approval is required solely due to acceptance of higher rate (upto 10% above) by the concerned authorities of Administrative Departments and not for any change in scope of work or other factors, the Head of Administrative Departments may henceforth accord Revised Administrative Approval for the concerned works/projects, with the concurrence of the Departmental Financial Advisor subject to the budget provisions of the Department.

This order will take immediate effect.

Sd/- Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 2527-F dated 27.08.2021, Source

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