School Education, Adoption , Attestation đī¸ 672
Candidates should put his/her full signature with date under the words self-attested on each of the pages of the documents submitted by them. However authority concerned may call for original documents any time for verification.
Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Administrative Branch
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700 091
No. 231-JS/ES/Adm/10M-77/2014 Dated, the 26th November, 2014
The adoption of “Self-attestation” in lieu of “Attestation by gazetted officers and others” and adoption of “Self-declaration” in lieu of “Affidavit” had been under consideration of the Government in School Education Department for some time past.
Now after careful consideration of the matter and in pursuance of the order of P&AR Department, Govt. of West Bengal, vide. No. 1275/PAR(AR)/O/3M-23/2014, dated 13.11.2014, the Governor is pleased to order adoption of “Self-attestation” and “Self-declaration” in different activities of this department as listed below with effect from 1st December, 2014 in the following manner:
A. Relating to replacement of Attestation by Gazetted officers and others:
List of activities for which Self-attestation is allowed dispensing with Attestation by gazetted officers and others
Candidates should put his/her full signature with date under the words “self-attested” on each of the pages of the documents submitted by them.
However authority concerned may call for original documents any time for verification.
B. List of activities for which Self-declaration is allowed dispensing with the requirement of Affidavit:
Format of Self-declaration is given in Annexure-I which will be duly filled in, signed and submitted by the candidates in lieu of Affidavit where required.
By order of the Governor,
Sd/-Arnab Roy
Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal
Self-Declaration Format
Space for Photograph
I………………………………. Son/ Daughter of Shri …………………………………… age ……………. years, resident of …………………………………………………. in the District of …………………. West Bengal, do hereby declare that the information given above and in the enclosed documents is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein. I am well aware of the fact that if the information given by me is proved false/ not true at any point of time, I will have to face punishment as per any provision of Law for the time being in force as well as the benefit availed of by me or the benefit accrued to me shall be summarily cancelled.
Signature of the Applicant:
Place :