Shifting of Summer Vacation in Madrasah, 2014

West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education
‘Begum Rokaiya Bhavan’
19, Haji Md. Mohsin Square, Kolkata-16
Phone: 033-2249 7773/ 2265 3128/ 22271200

Memo No. 501/ADMN/14 Date: 25.04.2014

From: The Secretary
West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education

To: The Head of all recognized Madrasahs

Sub: Shifting of Summer Vacation.

Sir/ Madam,

I am directed to inform that the duration of Summer Vacation may be from 2nd May, 2014 to 24th May, 2014 due to extreme hot weather instead of from 22nd May, 2014 to 8th June, 2014.

It may be noted that the total number of holidays for this academic year must not exceed 65 days. In this respect, Madrasah Authority has the liberty to adjust the holidays accordingly provided that Madrasah should not open on Government Holidays including main festivals.

With regards

Yours faithfully

Sd/- Secretary
West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education

No. 501/ADMN/14 dated 25.04.2014

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