
Special Casual Leave for attending Office on Bandh/ Strike

Finance, ,

One day’s Special Casual Leave will be granted to those employees of all offices who attended office on 02.09.2015. Such Special Casual Leave shall be availed of within 31.12.2015.


No. 7390-F(P) Dated: 13.10.2015


In view of bandh/strike call given by different Central Trade Unions on the 2nd September, 2015, order was issued vide Finance Department No. 6501-F(P) dt. 31.08.2015 to keep all State Government offices including those provided with Grant-in-Aid by the State Government open on that day.

In spite of such call, most of the employees attended their respective office on the said day overcoming the hazards.

In view of such special efforts made by the employees in attending office on the said day i.e. on 2nd September, 2015, the Governor has been pleased to decide that one day’s Special Casual Leave will be granted to those employees of all offices as above who attended office on that day. Such Special Casual Leave shall be availed of within 31st December, 2015.

Sd/- H. K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 7390-F dated 13.10.2015, Source

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