There are different types of allowances for West Bengal Govt. employees e.g. Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance, Medical Allowance, Compensatory Allowance, Hill Allowance, Spectacle Allowance, etc.
There are different types of allowances for West Bengal Govt. employees e.g. Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance, Medical Allowance, Compensatory Allowance, Hill Allowance, Spectacle Allowance, etc.
Many of the teachers are enjoying the Higher Scale of pay without taking approval of the undersigned, which is not in accordance to GA Rules. Stop this unauthorised Higher Scale of pay and intimate it to the undersigned immediately for further course of action.
Payment of monthly fixed honorarium to the ASHAs at the rate of Rs. 1300.00 only per month per ASHA with effect from 01.04.2013 until further orders in addition to their monthly performance based incentive received by them as usual, from NRHM fund.
Gr. D employees, who are attached to office where there is no post of duplicating machine operator and are operating the same in addition to their normal duties will get additional remuneration @ Rs. 80/- per month.
Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLE) engaged for the purpose of making data entry who are paid on pro-rata basis, the Department makes an ad-hoc increase of 30% in respect of data entry charge in respect of all existing data entry interfaces.
Government of India have since increased the rate of pension from Rs. 200/- to Rs. 300/- per month under IGNWPS and IGNDPS with effect from 01.10.2012 as well as increased the grant from Rs. 10,000/- to Rs. 20,000/- under NFBS with effect from 18.10.2012.
The unemployment allowance payable shall be paid to the applicant of a household subject to the entitlement of the household at a rate equal to one-fourth of the prevailing wage of the scheme for the first thirty (30) days during the financial year and at a rate equal to half of the wage rate for the remaining period of the financial year.
Governor is pleased to sanction and release a total amount of Rs. 3,30,00,000 (Rs. Three crore and thirty lakh) only during the financial year 2012-13 as laboratory grant to 165 Schools @ Rs. 2,00,000 per School.
Rate of cleaning and servicing of office telephone is enhanced from Rs. 7/- per month to Rs. 11/- per month. (No. 7223-F, dated 21.09.2006).
To apply for capital grant to govt. aided schools, a detailed statement on existing number of class room, condition of school building with photographs, details of power supply, availability of furniture, laboratory, library, student strength status of the school, along with the audited report of the school’s accounts for last 5 year.
The employee viz Polling/ Counting Personnel who will die a natural death out of strenous work while in due performance of election shall also be paid a Special Compensation of Rs 5,00,000/- only.
Senior Accounts Clerks or the Divisional Offices posted in the Public Works Departments and performing duties of handling cash may be allowed additional remuneration @ Rs. 100/- p.m. for amount of average monthly cash disbursed upto Rs. 75,000/- p.m.
For normal deputation, 5% of the basic pay being sum total of the pay in the pay band plus grade pay subject to a maximum of Rs. 1000/- per month when transfer is within the same station.