B. P. Ed
A Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed) is a teacher education course and shall be of one year duration. This is mandatory for teaching at the secondary and higher secondary level.
A Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed) is a teacher education course and shall be of one year duration. This is mandatory for teaching at the secondary and higher secondary level.
State Government in the Higher Education Department has advised to start the procedure for admission in Teachers’ training programmes for the academic session 2023-2025 wef 01.09.2023.
Procedure for admission in Teachers’ training programmes for the academic session 2022-2024 with effect from 1st September 2022,
Guidelines for the Universities and Colleges offering admission in Teachers’ training programmes (B. Ed./ M. Ed./ B. P. Ed./ M.P. Ed. Degree) for the academic session 2021-2023.
Admission to self-financed B. Ed./ M. Ed./ B. P. Ed./ M.P. Ed. colleges will be done centrally by the affiliating University through on-line mode only.
Government and Government-aided Colleges and State-aided Universities offering B.Ed. /M.Ed. /B.P.Ed. /M.P.Ed. courses will conduct on-line admission process on standalone basis.
List of proposed B. Ed./ M. Ed./ B. P. Ed./ M. P. Ed. Colleges, for which there may be no objection to issue NOC in favour of the colleges subject to their papers/ applications being in order.
Curriculum Structure for Two-Year Teacher Education Programmes (B.P. Ed & M.P. Ed) in West Bengal following NCTE Regulations, 2014. Prepared by the Curriculum Committee Constituted by the Higher Education Department.
Question papers for B. Ed./ B. P. Ed./ M. Ed./ M. P. Ed. examinations are henceforth printed bilingually, i.e. in both English and Bengali languages.
Upper ceiling of Admission Fees for B.Ed./ B.P.Ed./ M.Ed./ M.P.Ed. Programme (2 year) in West Bengal is Rs. 75,000/- only per annum per student, for the academic session 2015-2017.
Counseling for admission to self-financed B.Ed./B.P.Ed./ M.Ed./ M.P.Ed. colleges for 2015-2016 will be done centrally by the affiliating University and may be done through on-line or off-line mode.