
Casual Worker

Here goes all Govt. Notifications related to Casual Employees/ Daily rated Workers/ Contractual Employee; about their regularization, leave, Provident Fund, Health Scheme etc.

Implementation of Swasthya Sathi for Contractual Workers

State Government have introduced a Group Health Insurance Scheme named ‘Swasthya Sathi’ for different categories of worker and volunteer incl. Casual/ Contractual workers.

West Bengal Unorganised Sector Workers’ Welfare Act, 2007

An Act to provide for social security and welfare of certain unorganised sector workers and to provide other measures connected therewith or incidental thereto.

Rates of Daily Wages of Daily-Rated Workers, 2016

Rates of daily wages of daily-rated workers under the Government whose wages are not regulated by any of the Statutory provisions like the Minimum Wages Act, etc. for 2016.

Scheme of Provident Fund for Unorganized Workers

A scheme in the name of State Assisted Scheme of Provident Fund for Unorganized Workers (SASPFUW) was introduced by Labour Department in 2001.

High Powered Committee for Casual, Daily Rated Workers

High Powered Committee is formed in order to review the conditions of engagement and further improvement in the financial benefits of Casual, Daily Rated, Contractual Workers.

Benefits for Casual, Daily Rated, Contractual Workers, 2016

Conditions of engagement as well as monthly remuneration, annual increase, medical facility, leave etc. for the causal/ daily rated/ contractual workers have been improved.

Introduction of Group Health Insurance Scheme – Swasthya Sathi

Swasthya Sathi for workers/ volunteers like the Members of Self Help Groups, Civic Police Volunteers, Green Police Volunteers, Civil Defence Volunteers, Village Police Volunteers at Gram Panchayat, Disaster Management workers, Home Guard/ NVF, ASHA workers, ICDS workers and other Contractual/ Casual/ Daily rated workers.

Employees Provident Fund for Para-Teachers, Shiksha Bandhus

Implementation of Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952, in respect of Para Teachers, Shiksha Bandhus and Other contractual employees under Paschim Banga Sarava Shikhsa Mission.

30 Off Days to Contractual Computer Operators engaged in PWD

Contractual Computer Operators who had been engaged prior to 01.04.2010 in different offices under P.W.D. are allowed to enjoy 30 (thirty) off days in a Calendar year.

Post Upgrade from Deputy Secretary to Joint Secretary in PWD

The post of Joint Secretary will be filled up from the West Bengal Senior Service of Engineers as per existing Recruitment Rules. The appointing authority for the above upgraded post will be the Governor, West Bengal.

Scheme for Utilization of Persons Employed under Local Fund

The Scheme for Utilization of Persons Employed under Local Fund administered or not administered by Government of West Bengal or in any Company, Corporation, Undertaking, Statutory Body, Board etc. for deployment or detailment in any Government Offices or in any Other Local Fund Authority or any such entity.

Engagement of Contractual/ Casual/ Daily-rated Workers

Contractual/ Casual/ Piece-rated/ Daily-rated Workers may be engaged in any other entity, local fund or in any project, scheme or office under the Govt. on the same rate of remuneration. Such engagement will not be regularized in future.

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