D. El. Ed
The teacher education programme leading to the Diploma in Elementary Education aims at preparing teachers for the elementary stage of education, i.e., classes I-VIII.
The teacher education programme leading to the Diploma in Elementary Education aims at preparing teachers for the elementary stage of education, i.e., classes I-VIII.
Certificate in Professional Development Programme for Elementary Teachers (6 month D El Ed Bridge Course) for Primary School Teachers with B Ed.
Part – II Final Examination, 2017 of D.El.Ed. Course (Regular/ Face to Face mode) for the session 2015-2017 will commence on and from 14th December, 2017.
Persons enrolled in NCTE/RCI Recognized Institutions and pursuing Elementary Teacher Training Courses may apply for TET on and from 15/11/2017 to 30/11/2017.
Untrained elementary teachers, who have registered themselves into the D.El.Ed. Course should mandatorily register into SWAYAM Portal within 15.11.2017.
Guidelines for handing over the Mark sheets and Certificates to the in-service Primary School Teachers who have not upgraded their Minimum Entry Qualifications.
Para Teachers/ Primary Teachers who could not register for the D.El.Ed. Course of 2015-2017 should be instructed to register for the D.El.Ed. Course within 30.09.17.
Equivalence to Graduation Certificate issued from The Indian Army/Navy/Air Force and requisite Qualification to In-service teachers belonging to Ex-Servicemen category.
HOI are authorized to fill up vacant seats on first come first serve basis by the eligible intending candidates and upload the testimonials within 11.09.2017.
Rs. 4500/- as D.El.Ed Course Fee and Rs. 1500/- for procurement of individual Dish TV Set top box for observing Channel-32 SWAYAM PRABHA 24X7.
Heads of the Institutions are requested to admit the eligible candidates on ‘first come first serve’ basis against all the vacant seats on and from 29.08.2017.
Certificates of D.El.Ed Candidates for Session 2013-15 will be issued to the respective institutions on and from 30.08.2017 during Office Hours from WBBPE.
The process of admission on the basis of either the Waiting List or 3rd List shall have to be completed within three working days from the date i.e. 25.08.2017.