Finance Department, Government of West Bengal introduced on-line receipt of Tax and Non-Tax revenue through Government Receipt Portal System or GRIPS Portal.
On-line and off-line receipt of fees for examinations to be conducted by the PSCWB and fines imposed by the 19 nos of Distt Police authorities and 5 nos of Police Commissionerates under WBP through GRIPS portal.
In the first phase, e-Bantan will be implemented, tentatively from 1st April 2014. Allotment /release of fund including Budgetary allocation to the Administrative Departments shall be uploaded from time to time by the Finance Department in e-Bantan.
West Bengal Health Recruitment Board having completed the process of tuning their system to electronic receipt of examination fees approached Finance Department to enable the GRIPS portal to receive fees for examination to be conducted by them from this year.
Regarding online and off-line receipts of Tax and Non-tax Revenue through GRIPS, the Governor is pleased to allow 3 (three) more banks to act as the Participant Bankers.
Revised procedure for Over the Counter Receipt [OCR] through Government Receipt Portal System [GRIPS] regarding On-line and Off-line Receipts of Tax and Non-Tax Revenue.
On-line and Off-line Receipts of Tax and Non-Tax Revenue through Government Receipt Portal System [GRIPS] in electronic mode and incorporation in the e-Treasury through Reserve Bank of India, PAD, Kolkata.
RBI has authorised additional Banks to handle Govt transactions. The State Government Offices and the Autonomous Bodies/ Statutory Corporations may maintain bank account with it.