

For On-line real time management monitoring and control of all fund allocations and financial transactions in different Departments and their subordinate offices.

Withdrawal of Ceiling on AA Limit for all RIDF/ WIF Works

Governor is pleased to withdraw the Ceiling of Administrative Approval and Phasing for all RIDF/ WIF Heads of Account in AAFS module without limit restrictions.

Submission of Life Certificate for Pensioners from Smartphone

Introduction of Submission of Life Certificate from Home by using only a Smartphone through Face Authentication for the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners Drawing Pension from Treasuries of West Bengal.

Procedure of Credit of Interest by DPPG, WB into GPF of Gr. D Employees

Modification of the procedure of credit of interest by Directorate of Pension, Provident Fund and Group Insurance , West Bengal (DPPG, WB) into GPF Accounts of Group – D employees of the State

Introduction of Some New Facilities in HRMS

Section/ Group creation within Office and tagging of employees with Section; Creation of HRMS ID for retired employees; Legal heir entry for a deceased/ missing employee; Availability of database of deputed employees for modification; Introduction of Workflow for Leave.

Guidelines for Non-Government Institutions Provident Fund Module

Guidelines for Non-Government Institutions Provident Fund (NGIPF) Module in WBIFMS for Provident Fund maintenance in Non-Government Educational Institutions, Local Bodies and other similar institutions.

Introduction of Non-Govt. Institutions Provident Fund (NGIPF) Module

Introduction of Non-Government Institutions Provident Fund (NGIPF) Module in WBIFMS for Provident Fund maintenance in Non-Government Educational Institutions, Local Bodies and other similar institutions.

Employment on Compassionate ground in HRMS

Governor has been pleased to introduce an online sub-module for handling employment prayers on compassionate grounds in the HRMS of WBIFMS.

Incorporation of Non-Budgetary Source in AAFS Module of WBIFMS

Introduction of a facility to incorporate the proportion of project cost to be borne out of Non-Budgetary source(s) (Out of Budget Component) within total Project Cost in AAFS Module.

Introduction of New Functionalities of HRMS

1) Generation of Sanction Order and Bill in respect of All India Services Group Insurance Scheme (AISGIS) 2) Comparative Statement of Pay Bills 3) Transfer Order Information Modification 4) Out of Account Deduction entry facility in bulk 5) Modification of Approved Statement for Arrear/ Supplementary Bill 6) Facility for viewing HRA drawn by spouse 7) Facility for Termination Order generation

Introduction of Workflow Chain and Approval of eService Book in HRMS

Now all the entries so made are to be submitted online to the Custodian of eService Book through predefined Workflow System for approval.

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