

For On-line real time management monitoring and control of all fund allocations and financial transactions in different Departments and their subordinate offices.

Initiation of Making Payment through SBMS with CANARA Bank

Governor is pleased to initiate payment process through SBMS of institutional bank accounts maintained in CANARA Bank having schematic fund of SDS, Administrative Expenditure, Own Fund and Other Schemes etc, except SNA bank accounts.

Online Revision of Pay of Officers of Judicial Service through HRMS

In order to facilitate the task of pay revision in online mode, the Governor is pleased to allow pay fixation of the Officers of the Judicial Service of West Bengal in HRMS module of WBIFMS.

Implementation of New CTS-2010 Cheques w.e.f. 01.09.2022

New CTS 2010 cheques, with security features required for digital clearance, will be printed by the Directorate of Treasuries and Accounts, West Bengal and the existing cheques available with the PAO/ Treasuries and the Deposit Account operators would be replaced by the new CTS 2010 cheque.

Initiation of Making Payment through SBMS with Axis and ICICI Bank

Governor is pleased to initiate payment process through SBMS of institutional bank accounts maintained in AXIS and ICICI Bank having schematic fund of SDC, Administrative Expenditure, Own Fund and Other Schemes etc.

Initiation of Making Payment through SBMS with SBI, PNB and UCO Bank

Governor is pleased to initiate payment process through SBMS of institutional bank accounts maintained in State Bank of India, Punjab National Bank and UCO Bank having schematic fund of SDC, Administrative Expenditure, Own Fund and Other Schemes etc,

Online Payment to Utility Service Providers – WBSEDCL, CESC, BSNL

Introduction of facility for online payment to utility Service Providers WBSEDCL, CESC Ltd., BSNL (CTD) & BSNL (WBTC) by Deposit Accounts Administrators (Online PL) through seamless integration with IFMS.

Guidelines for Preparation of Arrear/ Supplementary Bill in WBIFMS

Arrear payment is an outstanding payment for a period that accrues when a difference arises between payment (Due) and payment (Drawn). Supplementary payment, on the other hand, is an outstanding payment to be made for a period in which no fund was drawn and disbursed.

Withdrawal of Non-SNA Modality of IFMS e-Billing Module

The relaxation for drawal of bills for Centrally Sponsored Schemes in IFMS e-Billing module availing non-SNA mode is hereby withdrawn.

e-Services for Employees of Universities/ Colleges/ Grant-in-Aid Institutions

Extension of ‘e-Services for Employees’ (eSE) facility to teaching and nonteaching employees of Universities, Grant-in-Aid Colleges and employees of other Grant-in-Aid Institutions, drawing their Pay Bill through HRMS submodule of WBIFMS, West Bengal.

List of Integrated Banks in SBMS Module of IFMS

Institutional Bank Accounts shall have to be mandatorily registered in SBMS for receiving Schematic Fund in those Bank Accounts and further making all Schematic transactions and operations through them.

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