

Manual is a written or printed guide providing instructions, procedures, or information on how to use or operate something, such as a machine, system, or software, often intended for users or operators.

Download Consumer Guide / Upovokta Sahayika / উপভোক্তা সহায়িকা

A comprehensive guide for consumers, ‘Upovokta Sahayika’ provides essential information on consumer rights, responsibilities, and tips for making informed purchasing decisions.

Driver’s Training Manual by Transport Department

Published by the Transport Department, Government of West Bengal in collaboration with Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. Download Driver’s Training Manual

West Bengal Secretariat Manual

Since 2005, there have been many changes in the functioning of the Government requiring modification in Secretarial Procedure. Over time, governance has witnessed a number of reforms. Introduction of e-Office in particular and IT enabled services in general has inculcated changes in office procedure.

Disaster Management Manual

It is necessary to provide a suitable handbook to the practitioners of disaster management in the public sector as guide within a set parameter.

West Bengal Jail Code

Those provisions of the Civil Procedure Code, 1908, the Criminal Procedure Code, 1898 and the Indian Penal Code which relate to the confinement of prisoners, the execution of sentences, appeals, lunatics and the like, must also be complied with in connection with the prison administration.

Manual for Financial Advisors (FA)

Financial Advisors are mandated to advise the departments on various issues concerning budgetary and fiscal control, financial rules, treasury rules and procurement policy of State.

West Bengal Secondary School Teachers Manual

West Bengal Secondary School Teachers Manual is an eBook of Acts, Rules, Govt. Notifications etc. compiled by WBXPress.com.

West Bengal Primary School Teachers Manual

West Bengal Primary School Teachers Manual is an eBook of Acts, Rules, Govt. Notifications etc. compiled by WBXPress.com.

Municipal Election Manual by State Election Commission

Download Municipal Election Manual published in 1998 by West Bengal State Election Commission which was constituted under the West Bengal State Election Commission Act, 1994.

West Bengal Land and Land Reforms Manual, 1991

West Bengal Land and Land Reforms Manual covers the whole spectrum of activities of officials and functionaries at various levels of land and land reforms administration in West Bengal.

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