

Roads are pathways or routes constructed for vehicles, pedestrians, or both, facilitating transportation and movement. They vary in type, such as highways, streets, or rural roads, and are designed to provide safe and efficient connectivity between locations.

Prime Machineries to Execute Road/ Bridge works under PWD

Type of required prime machineries, as per technical requirements shall be reflected in the items of works itself of the estimate.

Modified Guidelines for Laying of Water Pipelines on PWD Roads

Application for permission for road cutting/ road crossing by PHED to PWD and request for shifting of pipelines by PWD to PHED are to be placed before the concerned Superintending Engineer of the concerned Department.

Guidelines for Taking over Roads belonging to Other Department by PWD

Revised Procedure/ Guidelines for taking over of the roads belonging to other Department of the State Government by Public Works Department, Government of West Bengal.

Guidelines for Laying Water Pipelines along/in Roads

Guidelines for streamlining the process and procedures for laying of new pipelines for water supply schemes along/ in existing roads and shifting of pipelines for widening and improvement of roads infrastructure.

Construction of Speed Breakers/ Humps on Roads

To avoid such damages and for the smooth vehicular movement it is hereby directed that no Speed Breakers/ Humps over the roads would be constructed, without getting Departmental concurrence.

Immediate Repair of Damages/ Distress of Roads

If it is found that roads are damaged and no action has been taken for repair, necessary disciplinary action may be taken against the errant officers.

Immediate Repair of Potholes/ Ditches formed over Roads

Report on formation of potholes/ ditches if any should be given by the Junior Engineer to his superior officers immediately after inspection. The Junior Engineer should maintain one register for this purpose.