
Construction of Speed Breakers/ Humps on Roads

Public Works, , 👁️ 233

To avoid such damages and for the smooth vehicular movement it is hereby directed that no Speed Breakers/ Humps over the roads would be constructed, without getting Departmental concurrence.

Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department
Planning Branch
‘NABANNA’ (8th floor)
325, Sarat Chatterjee Road, Howrah-711 102

No. 1M-7/19/504-R/PL Dated: 19/03/2019


Sub: Speed Breakers/ Humps.

It is observed that Speed Breakers/ Humps are being constructed indiscriminately on different roads without following IRC guidelines. This is undesirable.

It is also observed that due to construction of such Speed Breakers/ Humps, the roads are getting damaged at these locations.

To avoid such damages and for the smooth vehicular movement it is hereby directed that no Speed Breakers/ Humps over the roads would be constructed, without getting Departmental concurrence. If it is absolutely necessary the proposal would be prepared as per IRC guidelines and should be submitted to the department for concurrence. Engineer-in-Chief & Ex-Officio Secretary, Public Works Department will act as the authority for according concurrence after receiving proposal from concerned Head Quarter Chief Engineer.

However Traffic Safety Measures as required should be taken up on all roads conforming to relevant provisions of IRC Codes/ Manuals.

This circular will take immediate effect.

Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department

No. 1M-7/19/504-R/PL dated 19.03.2019

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