

Government Rules regarding Tender formalities/ e-Tender Procedure/ Technical Evaluation/ Financial Bid Opening/ Acceptance of Lowest Bidder/ Letter of Indent etc.

Clarification on e-Tender

For e-Tendering for tender value of rupees fifty lakh and above, all tender related activities should be processed through the e-Tender portal by the concerned Department/Office inviting tender.

Revised Minimum Wages to Private Security Agency

Monthly security charges payable to such security agencies will be revised automatically based on the revised Minimum Wages as declared by Labour Department.

Nodal Officer for e-Tender

Finance Department has made it mandatory from 01.07.2012 for all State Government Departments and their subordinate Offices to publish their Tender on the centralized e-Tender Portal if the Tender Value is Rs. 50 lakh or more.

Mandatory Publication of Notice at e-Tender Portal

NIC has developed a portal ) exclusively for upload and publish the tender related documents of the State Government.

Procurement Guidelines of Drugs for Janani Sishu Surakshya

In order to reduce infant and mother mortality, GOI has decided to provide free treatment under JSSK in Government Institutions to all pregnant mothers opting for institutional delivery and to the neonates.

Functions of the Tender Committee – Public Works Rules 1987

Tender Committee was required to evaluate the tender in respect of work estimated to cost more than Rs. 50 lac (enhanced limit) on the cost of which may exceed the estimated amount by 3%.

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