Salary Bills for March, 2016 should be presented by 11.03.2016. Bills for other personal claims must be submitted on or before 14.03.2016. Bills returned upto 04.02.2016 must be resubmitted on or before 15.02.2016.
Government of West Bengal
Finance (Audit) Department
Mandirtala, 325, Sarat Chatterjee Road,
No. 792(65)-F(Y) Howrah, the 11th February, 2016
From: Shri P. A. Siddiqui
Secretary, Finance Department
Government of West Bengal
To: The Additional Chief Secretary/ Principal Secretary/ Secretary,
It has been experienced that during the final months i.e. February and March of the financial year large number of bills are presented before the Kolkata Pay & Accounts Offices-I, II & III leading to huge accumulation of bills in those offices and extreme pressure of the staff concerned. There is likelihood of committing mistakes resulting in complications when the Officers & Staff are to work under high stress. Such a situation is avoidable if submissions of the bills are made in systematic and phased manner. Finance Department issues guidelines every year in this respect and these are reiterated in the following manner for the financial year 2015-16 for adherence.
A. Sanction issued upto | Date by which bills are to be submitted to Pay & Accounts Offices |
29.01.2016 | 19.02.2016 |
22.02.2016 | 29.02.2016 |
07.03.2016 | 18.03.2016 |
B. Bills against Contingent Expenses incurred and TA bills for the Journeys undertaken up to | Date by which bills are to be submitted to Pay & Accounts Offices |
29.01.2016 | 19.02.2016 |
07.03.2016 | 18.03.2016 |
All other Bills including Works/ Forest Division bill which used to be paid by LOC cheque in erstwhile LOC system. | 28.03.2016 |
C) The Salary Bills for March, 2016 should be presented by 11.03.2016.
D) Bills for other personal claims must be submitted on or before 14.03.2016.
E) i) Bills returned upto 04.02.2016 must be resubmitted on or before 15.02.2016.
ii) Bills returned after 04.02.2016 upto 18.03.2016 shall be resubmitted within 7 days from the date of return and the bills returned on 22nd March, 2016 shall be resubmitted within 3 days.
iii) Bills returned before 28.03.2016 and 30.03.2016 shall be resubmitted on the same day by 5.30 p.m.
iv) Bills returned before 2 p.m. on 31.03.2016 shall be resubmitted by 3 p.m. and the subsequent returned bills should be submitted within an hour fr6m the time of return and after 8 p.m. on 31.03.2016 no resubmission of bills should be allowed.
F) Closing of March, 2016 accounts shall be completed by the midnight of 31st March, 2016. Cheque(s) remaining undelivered on 31.03.2016 shall be cancelled forthwith so that no cheques are delivered next day under any circumstances. This should be strictly adhered to.
G) You are therefore, requested to please issued suitable instructions to all drawing and disbursing officers under your administrative control and under the payment control of Kolkata Pay & Accounts Offices to strictly follow the above programmes so that the work in Kolkata Pay & Accounts Offices can be carried out smoothly at the end of the financial year. Failure to comply6 with the above time schedule may lead to non-realisation of bills for which D.D.Os shall be responsible.
H) No advance drawal shall be made without specific concurrence of the concerned Administrative Group of the Finance Department. No amount shall be credited to the Deposit Account (PL/LF/Deposit Account) unless specific authorization to that effect is given in the G.O. However, this restriction shall not apply to those accounts opened under statutory provisions. Guideline given in Para-3 of F.D. Memo No. 2956-F(Y) dated 08.04.2015 shall apply for drawal of fund by transfer credit to PL/LF/Deposit A/c.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/- P.A. Siddiqui
Secretary, Finance Department
Government of West Bengal