
Terminal Benefit in HRMS to Casual/ Contractual Workers

Finance, ,

Introduction of online facility for Terminal Benefits in HRMS to Casual / Daily Rated / Contractual Staffs engaged in different Government Offices.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
eGovernance Group
NABANNA, Howrah – 711102

Memo No.- 315-F(eGov) Date- 24/01/2025

Sub: Introduction of online facility for Terminal Benefits in HRMS to Casual / Daily Rated / Contractual Staffs engaged in different Government Offices.

At present, one time cessation benefit is allowed to different categories of Casual / Daily Rated / Contractual Staffs engaged in various Government Offices (drawing their pay under detail head ’02’) vide Memo No. 9008-F (P) dated 16/09/2011, Memo No. 192-IT/06/2020/P&AR-e-Gov dated 16/10/2020 etc. on attaining the age of superannuation or on their premature demise.

Government has been thinking of digitizing the entire process to sanction and disburse the claim of terminal benefits to the entitled Casual / Daily Rated / Contractual Staffs from sometimes past. Now, the Governor is pleased to introduce a new sub module called “Terminal Benefit” under HRMS module of WBIFMS, for online processing of such benefit.

The process flow to sanction and disburse the ‘Terminal Benefit’ is described in ANNEXURE-I.

This order will come into effect from the date of issuance of this order.

Special Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal


Using the online functionalities for Sanction and payment of Terminal Benefit under HRMS module of WBIFMS,

After approval, the approving authority will generate a sanction order which will be available to the DDO of the concerned Casual / Daily Rated / Contractual Staff in the Sanction Inbox of the e-Billing module of WBIFMS. All the concerned Offices can view the status of the request and also the Sanction Order of such Terminal Benefit.

The process flows for sanction and payment of Terminal Benefit in a Office are mentioned hereunder.

a) Preparatory work

At first, a workflow for Terminal Benefit Sanctionโ€™ needs to be created in the respective office from HOO Approver login to define a path through which such applications will move for processing and approval.

b) Initiation and forward of application

Operator at the bottom level of the workflow will initiate an application from “Terminal Benefit Sanction” page and forward it to the top level of the workflow either for approval or for onward transmission to the competent authority for approval. The Heads of Offices (HOO) of administrative hierarchy level 3, 4, 5 and 6 will not be able to approve an application, but to forward to their respective Directorate Offices and applications initiated at the Directorate Offices are needed to be forwarded to their respective Administrative Departments.

c) Approval, Rejection or Sending Back of application

Forwarded applications will reach the bottom level of the workflow of the Directorate Office or the Department as the case may be. The bottom-level-user (operator) of workflow will find the application in Inbox/ Status page and forward it to the top-level-user (approver) of the pre-defined workflow for approval and generation of sanction order. Sanctioning authority (approver) may forward the application to previous office for correction, send back to his/her operator or reject it. Once an application is rejected, the Office where the employee is posted can reinitiate the request.

d) Sanction Entry and preparation of bill in eBilling

Once a sanction order is generated, it will be available at the office where the application was initiated. The Drawing and Disbursing Officer (DDO) of that Office or the DDO operator of the office will find the sanction in the Sanction Inbox menu of the e Billing module and has to complete bill entry by putting a bill number and bill date. Thereafter, the bill may be printed signed Task List and submitted to the Pay and Accounts Office/ Treasury Office.

No. 315-F dated 24.01.2025, Source

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