West Bengal Schools Control of Expenditure Act, 2005 is an Act to provide for the control of expenditures in the Schools in West Bengal. It consists of following:
- Short title, extent and commencement.
- Definitions.
- Application.
- Previous Sanction.
- Void Appointments.
- Un-aided Schools not to get financial assistance.
- Appointment on part time or contract basis.
- Constitution of District level Inspection Team.
- Selection of sites for setting up new schools etc.
- Power of State Government to sanction additional post.
- Power to inspect and hold enquiry.
- Power to de-recognise schools or abolish post.
- Power to determine fixation of pay and age of superannuation.
- Scale of Pay etc. of Teacher.
- Option of Contributory provident fund.
- Protection of teacher and non teaching staff.
- Penalty.
- Cognizance of offenses.
- Protection of action taken in good faith.
- Act to have overriding effect.
- Power to remove difficulties.
- Power to make rules.