
Allotment of Government Accommodation


Allotment of Government accommodation shall be made on first-come first-served basis. An employee can apply for a flat in any Rental Housing Estates (RHE) of his choice.

Download: Application Form for Grant of License for Occupation of Govt. Premises

  1. Generally allotment shall be made on the basis of seniority of the applications received i.e. on first-come first-served basis.
  2. Any intending officer/ employee can apply for a flat in any Housing Estates of his/ her choice for as many estates as he/ she likes. A separate register shall be maintained for each Housing Estate and names of the applications should be entered in the same register strictly on the basis of seniority of the applications.
  3. All pending applications shall be renewed at an interval of every 3 (three) years failing which names shall be struck off from the register. In other words, the State Govt. Employees who have not been allotted any flat against their earlier application within a period of three years from the dates of submission of the applications should submit fresh applications enclosing therewith receipted copies of their earlier applications.
  4. Priority may be given to the following categories of applicants on ground of administrative reasons, urgency and Hon’ble Supreme Court’s Order regarding allotment of flats to judicial officers.
    • Judicial officers posted to Calcutta on transfer;
    • Officers on transfer having earmarked bungalow or quarters in their old places of posting;
    • Officers and Staff on transfer from Districts to Calcutta having no accommodation in Calcutta;
    • Employee who are physically handicapped or suffering from serious ailment and undergoing treatment;
    • Officers/ employees living in a house which has been requisitioned by the State Govt. in the in the interest of Public Services;
    • Employee who is near relative i.e. wife, son, daughter of any deceased Govt. employee who dies in harness and was in occupation of R.H.E.s;
    • Female employee maintaining her family as only earning member of the family;
    • An applicant where he is the sole earning member of the family in comparison to others where both husband and wife are in service;
    • Cases having recommendations of Ministers/ Secretaries and other dignitaries and important personalities;
    • Out of turn consideration will be guided by specific instruction of M.I.C., Housing.
  5. At the time of first allotment the ground floor flat and top floor flats are allotted except in some very special circumstances where there is no claimant for first and second floor shifting when first and second floor may also be allotted to the new applicants.
  6. In case of shifting (Both category and floor) seniority of possession of the flat is to be strictly observed. Category shifting should be considered first where it is applicable and then allotment for new applicants. In no case an allottee occupying a flat for less than one year or due to retire within one year should be considered for category shifting as well as floor shifting. However, this may be relaxed in possible cases provided the applicant gives in writing an indication that whitewashing and refurbishing will be made by the applicant at his own cost. A separate shifting register showing seniority for shifting purpose is to be maintained for each R.H.E.
  7. After expiry of the license due to retirement or death or transfer or otherwise the licensee may be allowed time not exceeding six months to vacate. After expiry of the said period eviction process should be taken up subject to observance of specific instruction of superior authority and order of Hon’ble High Court as the case may be.

Reference: G.O. No. 1131-H2 dated 20.04.1997

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